Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Physics Projectile Motion
Name:Lab Group 4 Date:10/26/2011 Partners: Kayla Stephens, Robin Poole, Megan McIlvoy Grade: Instructor: JPS Name:Lab Group 4 Date:10/26/2011 Partners: Kayla Stephens, Robin Poole, Megan McIlvoy Grade: Instructor: JPS Physics I Laboratory Worksheet Lab 4: Projectile Motion Objectives: Using a projectile gun on an incline plane, calculate the velocity of the steel ball at ten different distances, then find the average velocity. In order to find the velocity of the steel ball two different equations are needed. In order to find the velocity of the steel ball fired from the projectile gun on an inclined plane, the first equation must be manipulated and substituted into the second equation. Then use the average velocity to determine the distance of a projectile being released at a different angle. Physics Principles: * Converting from centimeters to meters * Trigonometric functions * Quadratic formula:x=-b ±b2-4ac2a * Know how to get the derived formula: Materials Needed: * Projectile gun * Projectile * Incline paper * Carbon paper * 4 sheets of regular printing paper * Tape Measure * Calculator * Pen * Notebook paper Pre-Lab exercise: Using the two formulas solve forv0. Equation 1: x= v0xt(vox=v0cos? ) x=v0cos? (t) t=xv0cos? Equation 2: y= y0+v0yt-12gt2(v0y=v0sin? ) y= y0+v0sin? xv0cos? -12gxv0cos? 2 y= y0+xsin? cos? -12gx2v02cos2? Procedure: 1. Tape 4 sheets of carbon paper together portrait style, end to end. Tape 4 sheets of printing paper using the same portrait style. Then tape 4 sheets of regular printing paper behind the carbon paper. Make sure to adjust the bottom edge of the taped sheets so that the bottom touches the ground. 2. Next, assemble the projectile gun with the incline plane. The angle of the incline plane was placed at 35 degrees and make sure the wing is secure so that it will not slip. 3. Test fire the projectile gun and record the distance in centimeters using the tape measure. This distance is used to determine how far the gun shoots the steel ball and will be used in the actual experiment. 4. Aim the projectile gun at the carbon paper, make sure you measure the distance from the steel ball to the ground. Fire the projectile gun at the paper and write down the number 1 next to the point where the ball hit. 5. After the first shot you can move the projectile gun backwards or forwards, depending on your decision. Fire the projectile gun and write down the number 2 for the second point. Repeat this step 8 more times and record the results on a table. 6. After all ten trials have been completed take down the printing paper sheet and measure how far between from where the bottom was to each point of contact made with the projectile gun. 7. Use the equation v0=12gx2cos2? [xtan? -y-y0] on each trial to find the velocity. Then find the average velocity for all ten trials. Carbon Paper Carbon Paper Projectile Gun Projectile Gun Results Results Conclusion: For Part I,
Interpreter of Maladies
Failure of Marriage Communication is one of the most important things to us keep connected to other people. If we fail to communicate with others, we will fail in many ways such as failure in romance. In the book Interpreter of Maladies with the tittle â€Å"Interpreter of Maladies†by Jhumpa Lahiri, the difficulty of communication becomes one of the problems. Mr. Kapasi feels lonely in his life and in his marriage because he lost his ability to communicate with his wife. However, Mrs. Das is a selfish woman that always hides behind her sunglasses most of the time. She doesn’t care about her family, her husband and her children. These two characters are drawn together because they both have troubled marriages. But if they still have the common sense to think about their own responsibility to their family, they shouldn’t get closer and become interested each other. Mr. Kapasi believes that his life is a failure. He can’t have a successful marriage in his life because his marriage is arranged by his parents. His wife can’t forgive him because of the loss of their young son and also because Mr. Kapasi work for the doctor who failed to save their son’s life. His career is far away from what he dreamed might be happen. Because in his past, he got scholarship and diplomatic greatness so he hoped that he would be success in his career. But now, he only be a tour guide and an interpreter for a doctor. As a tour guide, he speaks in English to the Europeans and Americans about the sights of India. And as an interpreter, he helps people from another country to communicate with the doctor. The job was a sign of his failings. In his youth he’d been a devoted scholar of foreign languages, the owner of an impressive collection of dictionaries. He had dreamed of being an interpreter of diplomats and dignitaries, resolving conflicts between people and nations, settling disputes of which he aline could understand both sides. He was a self-educated man. In a series of notebooks, in the evenings before his parents settled his marriage, he had listed the common etymologies of words, and at one point in his life he was confident that he could converse, if given the opportunity, in English, French, Russian, Portuguese, and Italian, not to mention Hindi, Bengali, Oriya, and Gujarati. Now only a handful of European phrases remained in his memory, scattered words for things like saucers and chairs. English was the only non-Indian language he spoke fluently anymore. Mr. Kapasi knew it was not a remarkable talent. Sometimes he feared that his children knew better English than he did, just from watching television†(52). In his loveless life, he meet Mrs. Das that he thinks also has trouble in marriage. And he got interested with her, imagine what will he do if he live with her, an American woman. But at the end, he feels so disgust with Mrs Das because she cheated with her husband’s friend and had a child from it. Mrs. Das is a very selfish and self-absorbed woman. She doesn’t see anyone else as they are but rather as a means to fulfill her own wishes. Her selfishness can be seen when she doesn’t share her food with her children and her husband, reluctantly takes her daughter to the bathroom, and refuses to paint her daughter’s fingernails. She feels misery in her life because of her cheated with her husband’s friend. She never talk to anyone else about it. Rather than to face her misery, she chooses to hide behind her sunglasses and stays away from her family. Like it is mention on the book â€Å"Mine too. Mommy, do mine too,†said the little girl. Leave me alone,†Mrs. Das said, blowing on her nail and turning her body slightly. â€Å"You’re making me mess up. †(48) and also â€Å"Mrs. Das continued to polish her nails. She had still not removed her sunglasses†(49). The only one person that she talks about her misery is Mr. Kapas i. She hopes that Mr. Kapasi as an interpreter can help her to give some advices. But in fact, Mr. Kapasi can’t help her because it’s not part of his job. Mrs. Das gets angry and leaves the car after she knows that it’s useless to confide about her misery with Mr. Kapasi. The communication doesn’t run smoothly in this story. There are many times communication fail to happen. Mr. Kapasi can’t communicate well with his wife because he has lost his ability for it. Mr. Kapasi also afraid to talk with his children because he fears that his English is not as good as his children. Mr. Das and Mrs. Das do not communicate, not because of the language trouble but because Mrs. Das is so selfish and Mr. Das always gets himself in the guidebook, like said in the book â€Å"He glanced up from the paperback tour book, which said â€Å"INDIA†in yellow letters and looked as if it had been published abroad†(44). The children do not listen to their parents, Mr. Das and Mrs. Das, nor to Mr. Kapasi. This can be proved with the monkey incident when Bobby is trapped with the monkeys. The children have lost the parents figure because the bad behavior of Mr. Das and Mrs. Das. All of these failing communication lead to hurt feeling each person. The Kapasis have a failing marriage. The Dases are hostile to each other. â€Å"They were all like siblings, Mr. Kapasi thought as they passed a row of date trees. Mr. And Mrs. Das behaved like an older brother and sister, not parents. It seeemed that they were in charge of the children only for the day; it was hard to believe they were regularly responsible for anything other than themselves†(49). Another problem beside the failing communication in this story is the forbidden romance between Mr. Kapasi and Mrs. Das. They both have the same loneliness in their marriage. Mr. Kapasi thinks that Mrs. Das could be a perfect companion to him in his loneliness. He puts an effort to attract Mrs. Das; he ignores many differences between him and Mrs. Das. He sees many details of Mrs. Das such as her legs. He ignores the other which is the bad behavior of Mrs. Das like dismisses her children’s desire and her selfishness with the snack. He observed her. She wore a red-and-white checkered skin that stopped above her knees, slip-on shoes with a square wooden heel, and a close-fitting blouse styled like a man’s undershirt. The blouse was decorated at chest-level with a woman, with small hands like paws, her frosty pink fingernails painted to match her lips, and was slightly plump in her figure. Her hair, shorn only a little longer than her husband’s, was parted far to one side. She was wearing large dark brown sunglasses with a pinkish tint to them, and carried a big straw bag, almost as big as her torso, shaped like a bowl, with a water bottle poking out of it. She walked slowly, carrying some puffed rice tossed with peanuts and chili peppers in a large packet made from newspapers (46). Mrs. Das wants to be a woman that can be a place to tell of Mr. Kapasi. She also wants Mr. Kapasi to help her solve her misery. Mrs. Das sees him as a good father and helper and ignores the signs that indicates he may not like to do that. For example, Mrs. Das doesn’t notice that Mr. Kapasi uncomfortable with her confession and push him to help her solve it that he can’t give it to her. Responsibility and love are the keys of successful marriage. Because when people have decided to get married means that they already promise to live with their couple and take care the family forever. When the couple already have it in their own heart and mind, infidelity will never happen. Mrs. Das should realize that she has a husband and three children that need to take care of. She has responsibility as a mother to serve her husband and gives advice to the children. If Mrs. Das could do all of it, she will definitely have a successful marriage. Works Cited Lahiri, Jhumpa. Interpreter of Maladies. New York : Houghton Mifflin Company. 1999. Print. Interpreter of maladies From the very beginning of the story the narrator depicts a very burdensome life. After leaving his homeland of India, he describes the first place he lived In London as: â€Å"a house occupied entirely of penniless Bengali Bachelors Like [himself], at least a dozen and sometimes more and all struggling to educate and establish ourselves abroad†(Lair 173). This is the perfect example of the narrator's determination to be successful in life and also the major hardships he will have to endure.This also portrays how the narrator accepts and is aware of his inevitable transformation through education and hardships. He knows that his struggles will eventually lead to the ultimate achievement of revealing over three continents. After surviving on the bare minimum in London for about flee years the narrator is offered a fulfillment job in America at the prestigious MIT, which will be his third continental move. Before he sets off abroad he must go back to Calcutta to fulfill an India n tradition of an arranged marriage.The narrator sees his marriage as Just another mundane chore and focuses instead on adjusting to his new life as an Indian immigrant In America. While he waits for his new wife's green card he looks for a cheap room to rent, which Is where he meets the first American he truly admires. Mrs.. Croft is first portrayed as an insignificant ranting old crippled woman that lives alone and rents out rooms, but when her age is revealed, the narrators whole perspective changes; after all he had assumed that she was only in her eighties.She then becomes a special and memorable person to him because he is absolutely astonished and Impressed that a one-hundred and three year old woman could still more or less be Independent or even coherent for that matter. This Is due to the fact that he mentions his own mother completely falling apart after his father passed away. He goes so far as to say: â€Å"What pained me the most was to see her so unguarded, to hear h er burp after meals or expel gas in front of company without the slightest embarrassment†(Lair 1 87 ).Seeing a widow like Mrs.. Croft so bold and quick-witted, yet so fragile, was refreshing and positively inspiring to him. The way he acknowledges her life, â€Å"As vigorous as her voice was, and imperious as she seemed, I knew that even a scratch or a cough could kill a person that old, each day she lived, I knew, was something of a miracle†(Lair 188). The significance of this quote shows that Mrs.. Croft was a big contribution to the narrators realization of an ever changing world where adaptation is the key to survival.As the the narrator waits the six weeks for his wife to arrive he is more than happy to make It a routine to simply sit down next to Mrs.. Croft each night and give her a little of his company. He feels compelled to do more but being of no relation he Crofts and find an apartment suitable for two people. It is peculiar that he not exactly anxious for his wife to Join him in America. He refers to her arrival as â€Å"the arrival of a coming month, or season – something inevitable, but meaningless at the same mime†(Lair 189). These are his feelings in the beginning when he only knew his wife for a mere five days.Once she is there she makes an effort as a dutiful wife by sprucing up the In conclusion the narrator encounters an internal conflict, he slowly becomes an Americanizes Indian with attempts to maintain his original Indian culture. His conflict comes to a head when speaking of his son because it is clear that he is afraid that his son will abandon their Indian traditions. A prime example is the following quote: â€Å"So we drive to Cambridge to visit him, or bring him home for a keen, so that he can eat rice with us with his hands, and speak in Bengali, things we sometimes worry he will no longer do after we die†(Lair 197).His attempt at being the modern American occurs when he tells his wife that she does not have to wear her sari all the time, â€Å"There is no need to cover your head, â€Å"l said. †I don't mind. It doesn't matter here†(Lair 192). Another example is when the narrator tries to retain his original traditions by eating egg curry and walking barefoot throughout his house. Egg curry seems to be the one thing the narrator holds onto which is obvious because he cooks egg curry in all three continents. Interpreter of maladies From the very beginning of the story the narrator depicts a very burdensome life. After leaving his homeland of India, he describes the first place he lived In London as: â€Å"a house occupied entirely of penniless Bengali Bachelors Like [himself], at least a dozen and sometimes more and all struggling to educate and establish ourselves abroad†(Lair 173). This is the perfect example of the narrator's determination to be successful in life and also the major hardships he will have to endure.This also portrays how the narrator accepts and is aware of his inevitable transformation through education and hardships. He knows that his struggles will eventually lead to the ultimate achievement of revealing over three continents. After surviving on the bare minimum in London for about flee years the narrator is offered a fulfillment job in America at the prestigious MIT, which will be his third continental move. Before he sets off abroad he must go back to Calcutta to fulfill an India n tradition of an arranged marriage.The narrator sees his marriage as Just another mundane chore and focuses instead on adjusting to his new life as an Indian immigrant In America. While he waits for his new wife's green card he looks for a cheap room to rent, which Is where he meets the first American he truly admires. Mrs.. Croft is first portrayed as an insignificant ranting old crippled woman that lives alone and rents out rooms, but when her age is revealed, the narrators whole perspective changes; after all he had assumed that she was only in her eighties.She then becomes a special and memorable person to him because he is absolutely astonished and Impressed that a one-hundred and three year old woman could still more or less be Independent or even coherent for that matter. This Is due to the fact that he mentions his own mother completely falling apart after his father passed away. He goes so far as to say: â€Å"What pained me the most was to see her so unguarded, to hear h er burp after meals or expel gas in front of company without the slightest embarrassment†(Lair 1 87 ).Seeing a widow like Mrs.. Croft so bold and quick-witted, yet so fragile, was refreshing and positively inspiring to him. The way he acknowledges her life, â€Å"As vigorous as her voice was, and imperious as she seemed, I knew that even a scratch or a cough could kill a person that old, each day she lived, I knew, was something of a miracle†(Lair 188). The significance of this quote shows that Mrs.. Croft was a big contribution to the narrators realization of an ever changing world where adaptation is the key to survival.As the the narrator waits the six weeks for his wife to arrive he is more than happy to make It a routine to simply sit down next to Mrs.. Croft each night and give her a little of his company. He feels compelled to do more but being of no relation he Crofts and find an apartment suitable for two people. It is peculiar that he not exactly anxious for his wife to Join him in America. He refers to her arrival as â€Å"the arrival of a coming month, or season – something inevitable, but meaningless at the same mime†(Lair 189). These are his feelings in the beginning when he only knew his wife for a mere five days.Once she is there she makes an effort as a dutiful wife by sprucing up the In conclusion the narrator encounters an internal conflict, he slowly becomes an Americanizes Indian with attempts to maintain his original Indian culture. His conflict comes to a head when speaking of his son because it is clear that he is afraid that his son will abandon their Indian traditions. A prime example is the following quote: â€Å"So we drive to Cambridge to visit him, or bring him home for a keen, so that he can eat rice with us with his hands, and speak in Bengali, things we sometimes worry he will no longer do after we die†(Lair 197).His attempt at being the modern American occurs when he tells his wife that she does not have to wear her sari all the time, â€Å"There is no need to cover your head, â€Å"l said. †I don't mind. It doesn't matter here†(Lair 192). Another example is when the narrator tries to retain his original traditions by eating egg curry and walking barefoot throughout his house. Egg curry seems to be the one thing the narrator holds onto which is obvious because he cooks egg curry in all three continents.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Janis Joplin Essay
Perhaps Ralph Waldo Emerson was right and may as well have referred to Janis Joplin as he was saying this quotation had he lived during Joplin’s time. With her death at a young age of 27, it had been a short-lived life the musical genius Janis Joplin had. We may not know whether or not her cousins can tell nothing about her but her life deserves to be relived and I am here to write about it. A look into the context in which she lived will help give a better understanding of how the course of her life was influenced and came to be the way it was. Janis Joplin is one of the most prominent individuals in the 1960s, an era considered to be a revolution of sorts. Beginnings On the morning of January 19, 1943, Janis Lyn was born to be the eldest child of Seth and Dorothy Joplin. It was years later that she would have younger siblings Michael and Laura making them a middle-class family composing of five members. Growing up in an industrial town called Port Arthur in Texas crowded with oil refineries, chemical plants, factories, and rows of oil-storage tanks with fumes hanging in the air, it wasn’t the best place to satisfy the brilliant and inquisitive little Janis as there wasn’t much room for activities and recreations. Although that was the case, she did well in school, having a great interest and aptitude for reading and painting. As a child, she already had a reputation for singing as one of the soloists in their church choir. According to one of her friends, she had been popular in Port Arthur as a talented and cute little girl. Janis considered her childhood as relatively pleasant. It was only at the age of fourteen, as confessed in many of her various interviews, that she felt like the world turned on her. That was the time she gained weight and had acne problems, problems which meant most than anything for teenagers. The eventual lost of her looks coincided badly with her entry to the highschool world where the popular girls were the ones with good looks and Janis just fell behind (Echols, 2000). While at the Thomas Jefferson highschool, Janis took rejection by heart (Amburn, 1993). Used to having attention on her, she started acting out and whilst she began to receive attention, she even emphasized her being different. She was determined to keep the attention on her even if it was a negative one. She became a beatnik girl who would flaunt her eccentric clothes ranging from above-the-knee skirts, black or purple tights coupled with liking unconventional and ‘different’ liberal arts and music. As Echols put it, â€Å"she was bent on becoming an eyesore, an affront to everything the townspeople believed in. Indeed, Janis was eager to defy as many social conventions as she could. This made her parents unhappy- â€Å"she just changed totally, overnight†quoting her mother Dorothy. As an underage girl, her defiant attitude was too much that one incident happened involving the police after she took a ride with her male friends who were overage. This made her even more the topic of talks and gossips around their Pleasantville of a town. She was much into music and drinking, acting as if these two things are wedded. And this always gets her into trouble. She was often sent to the counselor’s office for misbehavior and drinking (Echols, 2000). Her parents were baffled and felt helpless. Joplin’s rebellious proclivity was unwavering, she just wanted to be different and be free to express herself. Little did they know that Janis’ rebellious actions symbolize the beginning of an inevitable social revolution and an â€Å"emerging generation gap†that was about to come(Echols, 2000). The fact was: it wasn’t just Joplin; it was going to be a collective movement. The Sixties was well on its way. The Sixties†, as it is often used in popular culture by some journalists, historians and other academes, has seen many varied influential and transforming trends in culture and ideologies which can be described as nothing less than exciting, powerful, radical and even rebellious. It was a time when people are trying to break free from the rigid and conformist social norms and social constraints in search for individual freedom (Booker, 1970). It could be said that this period of history has a great impact on Janis Joplin and further influenced not only her genius but how her entire life turned out. Musical Inclination Music would eventually become a passion for Joplin. Aside from singing in their local church choir, Janis developed her musical interest further after befriending a group of outsiders as a teenager. She and this gang would listen and idolize African-American Blues artists such as Leadbelly whose album was the first she claimed she ever purchased (Echols, 2000). During highschool she continued listening to blues music and listened to other blues artists like Bessie Smith, Big Mama Thornton and Odetta. And even later on, she will begin singing blues and folks songs together with some friends, imitating the artists’ husky yet soulful voices. Amburn, 1993). She always had a gut feel about her singing ability but it wasn’t until she imitated Odetta and performed one of her songs which stunned her friends that she she confirmed, she indeed â€Å"has a voice. †Her early efforts included playing in coffee houses in their small town. Talent, Notoriety and Fame In 1963, she left for San Francisco and found herself residing in North Beach. She also ventured to other places like Venice, the Village, New York and Haight-Ashbury acquiring further experiences and experimenting on her music and creativity. It wasn’t just a year ago that she started taping her first song at a friend’s house and a year after she would record more songs with her friends Jorma Kaukonen and Martha Kaukonen providing her accompaniments. An album called Typewriter tape will be released containing seven tracks including â€Å"Long Black Train Blues,†â€Å"Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out,†â€Å"Typewriter Talk,†Kansas City Blues,†â€Å"Trouble In Mind,†â€Å" Hesitation Blues,†and â€Å"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy†. As the Sixties progress, various movements are emerging from the left and right. The counterculture and social revolution was spreading. A popular term emerged as the hippies, a youth movement characterized strongly by a shift towards a more liberated society. It includes the questioning groups created a movement toward liberation in society, including sexual revolution, questioning of authority and government, fighting for the freedom and rights of the marginalized groups including Negroes, women, homosexuals, and minorities. The use of marijuana, heroine, LSD and various others drugs and listening to psychedelic music were also rampant. Janis would not be left behind and took part in these movements. Joplin’s waywardness continued well into those years. Around that time, she increased her drug use and took on a reputation as a frequent heroine user and a thrill-freak (Amburn, 1993). She was also heavy on alcohol and other intoxicants and even engaged in sexual high. In 1965, she was described as skeletal, even emaciated due to the effects of her amphetamine use (Amburn, 1993). For some time, she was convinced by her friends to become sober and to refrain from drug use. An old friend and then manager Chet Helms of a group called Big Brother was attracted by Joplin’s bluesy voice. On June 4, 1966, Joplin officially joined the band. Their first public performance was in San Francisco at the Avalon Ballroom. Her drug use was kept at bay with the help of her friends who she lived within a communal apartment (Friedman, 1992). They signed a deal with Mainstream Records on the 23rd of August of 1966. A year after, the band released their debut album by Columbia Records. Joplin and her band gradually gained fame after several follow-up performances including those in Monterey Pop Festival, appearances in television such as The Dick Cavett Show. She received positive reviews from various magazines labelling her as a powerful singer and a staggering woman of rock and roll. Eventually, she would leave the Big Brother band and went for a solo career and would later form a band called the Kozmic Blues and another group, which she would call her as her own called the Full Tilt Boogie Band. After breaking up again with the band, she recorded several songs which would be released after her death and would become the highest-selling album of her career. It included the best hit single †Me and Bobby McGee†, a cover of Kris Kristofferson’s who had been her ex-lover. Janis Joplin died on October 4, 1970 at the age of 27 years. Legacy Janis Joplin can be considered as the Queen of Rock and Roll in the late 1960s. She was a music icon which would influence the music scene in the years to come. She was an established female star who had success in a male-dominant music scene. Fans and musical experts alike would consider her songs as immortal and contiunes to influence modern day music and artists. She also made contributions to the fashion industry. The way she dressed herself had been another avenue for her self-expression. In interview after interviews, she would update the media of her latest fashion statement from her clothes, to her hair styles, hair accessories, body decorations, and body accessories. She would also affect the movie industry influencing and inspiring movie directors, actors and actresses such as Better Midler especially in the 1979 film entitled The Rose which would garner her an academy nomination for her performance as Janis Joplin. Other films were also produced based on her life including Gospel According to Janis. A musical play was composed in the 1990s, which will then win a praise and be lauded together with the outstanding performances of the artists who would play Janis. She would also receive posthumous awards including the Grammy Lifetime Achievment and the induction to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In the arts, some of her personal artifacts including the Porsche she owned were displayed in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Musuem Exhibition which will serve as a testimony to the psychedelic era dubbed as â€Å"The Summer of Love- Art of the Psychedelic Era†. This made people reminisce to that nostalgic and definitely not-forgotten era of the human history. Truly, Janis Joplin was a genius not only of her time but her genius continues to live and influence various industried today.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this changed or Essay
Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this changed or improved the way people live Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer - Essay Example Because of the need for greater efficiency without sacrificing quality in meal preparation, enterprising business has turned towards the processing and packaging of meals and food ingredients, and the development of kitchen appliances that speed up the cooking process. These products have come to be a permanent feature of modern living, which begs the question: do easy-to-prepare meals impact life positively or negatively? The position of this writer is that it does, and does so positively. Let us first describe what â€Å"easy-to-prepare meals†include – or rather, what they do not include. They do not include fast foods and junk foods, since these type of foods do not require any preparation at all on the part of the consumer, and often are not even considered nutrition. Empty calories are decidedly not under consideration when one speaks of easy-to-prepare meals, which essentially are meals that are nutritious and substantial as much as they are simple and quick. First and most apparent benefit that comes from quicker meal preparation is the savings in time and effort for the cook. Few families could afford the services of a permanent cook to prepare family meals, which means that usually it’s mom, dad, or an older sibling who does the cooking. Expectedly, family members have things to do and places to go, and it is not uncommon for both parents to hold jobs. The demographics gathered by government agencies show the unmistakable increasing trend in the number of women leaving home to work: "In 1950 about one in three women participated in the labor force. By 1998, nearly three of every five women of working age were in the labor force. Among women age 16 and over, the labor force participation rate was 33.9 percent in 1950, compared with 59.8 percent in 1998. "As more women are added to the labor
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Sustainability - Essay Example The new millennium, however subjects sustainability to risks owing to its virility in population and economic growth, in addition to a shrinking supply of natural resources. These have raised an alarm, warning that some changes need to be effected if survival has two guaranteed, and changes which reflect mostly on human behavior. The following study text will develop around the current lifestyle and how it affects sustainability, plus what changes need to be inflicted for it to remain effective and preserved for the future. Contemporary lifestyles are against sustainability. According to â€Å"Sustainable Lifestyles†(10), these lifestyles are producing too much of what is unwanted while hurting the environment and impacting negatively on human living in all aspects. The first context affected is the usage of natural resources which is overwhelming in that water consumption, energy consumption, and raw materials for producing human necessities are drawn from it. This translates to decreasing water and vegetation cover volumes, and sustainability is weakening. Again with the improving economic abilities of people, the number of automobiles on the globe’s roads is approximated at 750 million, which together with the industries dump billions of carbon emissions into the atmosphere, causing extensive damage to the ozone layer. The third factor of concern is the eating habits wherein the globe has turned down healthy eating and taken to unhealthy eating habits which are causing harm to their o wn lives. Unhealthy eating causes health complications such as obesity, which is a leading health disorder today. Worse still, they increase the chances of one contracting Coronary heart diseases, and these affect people who often consume fatty foods or are smokers. In addition to other factors such as lack of exercise and increasing technology, these elements subject sustainability to danger. Whereas the above
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Biology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Biology - Essay Example Adaptation, is the accommodation of a living organism to its present or to a new environment, is fundamental to the process of evolution and is determined by the individuals heredity. The division of one cell to form two new cells is reproduction; usually the term is applied to the production of a new individual (either asexually, from a single parent organism, or sexually, from two differing parent organisms.) Taxonomy1 may refer to either a hierarchical classification of things, or the principles underlying the classification. The root is the Organism (as this applies to all living things, it is implied rather than stated explicitly). Below this are the Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species, with various other ranks sometimes inserted. The atom consists of a central, positively charged core, the nucleus, and negatively charged particles called electrons that are found in orbits around the nucleus. Molecules are made up of two or more atoms, either of the same element or of two or more different elements, joined by one or more covalent chemical bonds. In biology, it is the unit of structure and function of which all plants and animals are composed. The cell is the smallest unit in the living organism that is capable of integrating the essential life processes. Cells can be separated into two major groupsâ€â€prokaryotes, cells whose DNA is not segregated within a well-defined nucleus surrounded by a membranous nuclear envelope, and eukaryotes, those with a membrane-enveloped nucleus. Within cells there is an intricate network of organelles ( nucleus, nucleolus, cytoplasm, mitochondria, golgi apparatus etc.) that all have unique functions. These organelles allow the cell to function properly. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or deoxyribose nucleic acid1 is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions specifying the biological development of all cellular forms of life (and many viruses). DNA is often
Friday, July 26, 2019
12 linguistics branches Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
12 linguistics branches - Research Paper Example (Crystal, 1997) Morphology is like the mother who teaches the baby how to talk. This branch often studies how the words are constructed out of smaller units which have a meaning or grammatical function, for example the word friendly is constructed from friend. This branch has a sister two sisters called syntax which studies how the words combine to form sentences and the rules which govern the formation of sentences, and phonetics that studies speech sounds; how they are produced in the vocal tract (articulatory phonetics), how they are transmitted through the air (acoustic phonetics), and how they are perceived by the listener (auditory phonetics).Their mandate is to ensure words are correctly written and spoken. (Crystal, 1997) The screaming child, phonology studies the sound system of language; how the particular sounds used in each language form an integrated system for encoding information and how such systems differ from one language to another. On the other hand the curious father, psycholinguistics always studies the mental processes underlying the planning, production, perception and comprehension of speech, for example how memory limitations affect speech production and comprehension. This is to ensure the child speaks correctly with good perceptions of things. The twin brother of the father, uncle sociolinguistics, is also keen to the social factors such as social class, educational level, and age, sex and ethnic origin so that the child may grow to understand them to link in the sentences. (Crystal, 1997) The elder brother of the child, semantics who studies the meaning and how words and sentences are related to the real or imaginary objects they refer to and the situations they describe. This is to ensure that the child links together the words that are related. However the elder sister of the child, pragmatics is keen in on the context of the situation. He studies the use of language in communication, particularly the relationships between
IT Manager's Plan for the provision of IT facilities to the new Essay
IT Manager's Plan for the provision of IT facilities to the new department of Computer Science - Essay Example overall staffing, recruitment timescales for these staff members, establishment of the network infrastructure, implementing server and desktop facilities, enabling the administrative systems, implementing the general purpose PC areas, offering support facilities, lot of other related aspects regarding the new department establishment. 2- INTRODUCTION Computer science sometimes refers to the information technology is currently an essential element of society as well as a vital part of a lot of university programs. Additionally, society more and more requires extremely knowledgeable IT staff members mainly staff members who are able to combine IT with other skills. The Department of Computer Science at our University will offer education as well as research in computer and computational science theory as well as practice for a variety of students groups. Additionally, these actions support immediate computational requirements as well as offer a foundation for lifelong learning in infor mation technology and computational sciences. In this scenario, the effective planning is basic need for the establishment of this new department at our university. ... ECT The scope of this project will cover all the activities involved in the establishment of a new computer science department at a major university in UK. The main aim of establishing this new department is to offer the local community a better enlightenment of new innovations in information technology. Additionally, this new department will open new horizons of information technology and information systems research. We are also aimed at starting the Phd program that will produce new generation of the computer science experts at the university. This will also offer better research and development opportunities at the university level. The development of this new department is also aimed to attract the international community members to take admission for the higher education in our university. For this purpose, we will hire more qualified, skilled and experienced faculty members to provide the students with a better opportunity for conducting research in various areas of computer s cience and information technology. Some of the important factors/elements of this project are outlined below: Offering information and communication technology based support for education Improving teaching standards Improving quality of knowledge Offering student up-to-date equipment and technology based system facilities. Offering better place for research and development Opening new opportunities for the local community to patricide in new generation information technology era Enrolling high quality teaching staff Improving quality of education of computer as compared to other local universities Establishment of state-of-the-art technology and systems at the Labs Offering improved network and communication facilities Offering the students access to international research and technology
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The role of women in the society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The role of women in the society - Essay Example The idea here is that even in deprived households, the issues that affect females may be very different from those that affect the males, thus sometimes making the consequences of such poverty harder for the woman (123). As a matter of fact, Sen writes that in developing countries, where poverty levels are high, the mortality rates for women are higher than those of women (124). In Sen’s opinion, most women faced with poverty find it hard to claim a personal identity and often refer to themselves in relation to their family. This lack of personal identity translates to low levels of personal welfare for the women (124). Accordingly, it is common to find households in which women get the least amount of food, medicine, and other kinds of services needed for survival (125). This means that most of the time, women sacrifice their wellbeing for the sake of the family’s welfare. In the end, women become less economically stable as compared to men. 2. Reexamining the role of women In as far as women redefining their role in the society, Pearson’s main point of argument is based on the relationship between women and economic empowerment. Concerning paid work, Pearson is of the opinion that most women seek employment in search of money needed to enable them fulfill their gendered functions in the society (201). Pearson, however, challenges the idea that women can only be empowered through paid labor, a system advocated for by capitalist ideologies. The contentious issue, here, is that the kind of paid labor that most women are incorporated into is often left out of the formal economy. This is to mean that most women in the paid workforce do not enjoy the associated benefits such as flexible working hours, social protection, fair pay, and protection... In as far as women redefining their role in the society, Pearson’s main point of the argument is based on the relationship between women and economic empowerment. Concerning paid work, Pearson is of the opinion that most women seek employment in search of money needed to enable them to fulfill their gendered functions in the society (201). Pearson, however, challenges the idea that women can only be empowered through paid labor, a system advocated for by capitalist ideologies. The contentious issue, here, is that the kind of paid labor that most women are incorporated into is often left out of the formal economy. This is to mean that most women in the paid workforce do not enjoy the associated benefits such as flexible working hours, social protection, fair pay, and protection of reproductive health, among others (202). Thus, many women end up falling in the informal employment bracket, where they are involved in numerous income-generating activities, as opposed to a particula r profession. It is also, according to Pearson, a common phenomenon to find micro-credit institutions that lend money to women to start up money-making activities, and then later repay the institutions at a small profit (206). However, when these women become empowered economically, it is often assumed that this translates to power shifts in the household (Pearson, 207). This assumption is flawed since, although the women become empowered, in most cases she bears the burden of the loans alone, while the husband remains the head of household operations.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Movie - Essay Example The analysis would be written in the light of discussing theoretical concepts of literary elements, including dramatic, cinematic and language aspects. Likewise, one would determine what the movie is really about and a "moral to the story," a theme to be explored, or comment to think about. Finally, one would present what the point of the movie is and the personal meaning of the film in ones perception. The Last Airbender is a movie written, produced and directed by M. Night Shyamalan who was nominated for 2 Oscars in the categories of Best Director and Best Writing for the movie, The Sixth Sense in 1999 (Internet Movie Database, 2010). The movie was an adaptation of Nickelodeon’s TV animated series entitled Avatar: the Last Airbender. The movie was presented as a narration by one of the principal characters, Katara (Nicola Peltz) on the theme of the story which evolves on their world being divided into four elements: Air, Water, Earth and Fire. Peace used to prevail in their world with an Avatar balancing all forces of nature. When the Avatar disappeared, the Fire Nation, led by Lord Ozai launched war on all the nations claiming superiority over all elements. The film is a depiction of Book 1: Water, where the plot evolves on the Avatar’s honing his water bending skills. The major characters are all youngsters composed of the following: the airbender, who is also the Avatar, is played by Aang (Noah Ringer). The water bender is a young teenaged girl, Katara (Nicola Peltz) was the narrator in the film. Her brother, Sokka (Jackson Rathbone) accompanies Katara and Ang to journey to the Northern Water Tribe to seek for a master who would teach him water bending skills. Finally, Prince Zuko (Dev Patel) is the son of Lord Ozai leader of the Fire Nation, who aims to capture the Avatar and bring him to his father, Lord Ozai, so that the
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
PEST(LE) Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
PEST(LE) Analysis - Essay Example In UK market, there is further scope of growth for the company. UK’s consumer market demand is well aligned with business strategies of IKEA. The company has been able to secure desirable market share due to its effective cost control strategies, continuous new product development and competitive operational procedure. IKEA is inclined towards offering low prices to customers for its wide array of innovative products. According to Allen (2006), PESTEL analysis is a strategic tool that helps to determine key drivers of change present in the business environment. The main components of this tool are political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors. Political factors stands for government policy which directly impacts workplace environment, technology quality, health and safety conditions, etc. Economic conditions include interest rates, rate of economic growth and taxation charges. Social factors relate to all possible events which are affecting community and market socially (Allen, 2006). As per Das and Teng (2009), it comprises of population dynamics, cultural expectations, norms, health consciousness, etc. Technology factor states that new products or processes are developed with the support of advanced technology. This factor facilitates quality enhancement, innovation and reduction in overall costs. Legal aspect corresponds to legislative and regulatory framework tha t governs countries of operations or respective product areas. Environmental factors encompass changes in climate and weather. Environmental awareness is an area of concern for all business organizations (Das and Teng, 2009). Research methodology lays the foundation for any research study. Any study can be classified as quantitative or qualitative research study. Quantitative study deals with market related data which can be statistically analyzed. On the other hand, qualitative study is opinions or views of experts. There are two
Monday, July 22, 2019
Case Analysis on Satyam Essay Example for Free
Case Analysis on Satyam Essay This case illustrates the downfall of Satyam, one of the biggest IT giants in India, because of the fraudulent activities carried out by its founder Mr. Ramalinga Raju and his associates. Business world at that point had garnered immense respect for Satyam in terms of risk management and corporate governance practices and Satyam was ranked as the fourth largest IT Company in India. This was the case before December 16, 2008, when Satyam promoter Mr. Ramalinga Raju proposed his intent to acquire Matyas Infra and Matyas Properties. When this announcement of acquisition reached to the public, investors had a tremendously negative reaction towards Satyam’s decision. Satyam founder eventually admitted fraud in a financial statement revealing that he had been cooking the books of Satyam for quite some time. Raju and his team manipulated cash balance, bank balance, accrued interest figures, overstated debtors and understated liability in order to manipulate the share prices of the company in the market by misleading its investors and the public. After admission of fraud, share prices of Satyam sharply fell down and Satyam was eventually removed from the New York stock exchange and the Bombay stock exchange. The US investors initiated several class action suits against Satyam for its fraudulent activities and top executives of Satyam were charged with violation of federal securities laws by issuing false and misleading financial statements. The Satyam scandal has shaken the roots of the Indian financial market and has put a big question mark on corporate governance and how far corporations (people) can go to enhance their own personal benefits. Major Issues in the Case Corporate governance Satyam failed to follow the corporate governance practices that every firm was meant to follow, it looked for loop hopes that could be tweaked to enhance the company’s profit and hide liabilities from the investors as well as the general public. The Satyam Board was composed of ‘chairman-friendly’ directors who failed to question managements strategy. They were also extremely slow to act when it was known that the company was in financial distress. The Board ignored critical information related to financial wrongdoings before the company ultimately collapsed. Agency problems The Chairman (Ramalinga Raju) and the CFO (Srinivas Vadlamani) worked together to defraud the stakeholders for their personal gain, while the investors thought that the company was generating revenues, and investing in different areas. Clearly, the Chairman and CFO had personal gain in mind rather than company benefit. There also seems to be conflicting interest of the management and the shareholders i. e. the management wanted to take over two construction companies Maytas properties and Maytas Infra which was against the interest of the shareholders. Arguments It’s hard to imagine a leading company like Satyam manipulating its financial statements but in this highly competitive industry it is necessary to remain profitable in order to survive in the long-run. This is perhaps the reason why Satyam resorted to manipulating its financial statement. We can see that there were large amount of manipulation in the income statement as well as in the balance sheet of Satyam’s financial statements. Manipulation in the Income Statement The income statement consisted of some inconsistencies that were made intentionally to maintain the level of profitability of the company. The amount of sales revenue has been overstated by Rs. 588 crore i. e. was recorded as Rs. 2700 crore instead of Rs. 2112 crore. The operating profit margin was recorded as Rs. 649 crore (i. e. 24 % of the sale revenue) when the actual operating profit margin was Rs. 61 crore (i. e. 3 % of the sales revenue). The number of employee was also manipulated i. e. it was recorded as 52000 employees when the actual number of employees was only 43622 employees. Manipulation in the Balance Sheet The balance sheet also seemed to have some level of inconsistencies from the actual value that were done intentionally to show a strong liquidity position of the company. The cash balance that was recorded as Rs. 5361 crore consisted of non-existence amount of Rs. 5040 crore i. e. the actual cash balance was Rs. 321 crore. The assets side also consisted of accrued interest of Rs. 376 crore which was non-existent and the debtors amount was overstated by Rs. 490 crore i. e. the actual value of debtor was Rs. 2161 crore whereas the recorded value was Rs. 2651 crore. The liability side of he balance sheet was understated by Rs. 1230 crore which was the amount borrowed from the known sources by Mr. Raju to ensure the operations are running. Even after such manipulations the regulatory authorities, the independent executive and the external auditors were not able to raise the red flag which shows that there is a huge hole in the corporate governance. The company also seems to be having conflicting interest between the management and the shareholders. The company was looking to diversify its business by taking over the construction companies Maytas Properties and Maytas Infra at a cost of 1. billion dollars. Satyam was looking to enter the real-estate business but this was a surprising strategic decision for the shareholders. The shareholders wanted Satyam to expand in related businesses. The negative reaction of the shareholders toward the decision caused the share prices to fall by 70% in a just a few days of the decision. Managerial Implication Agency problem The problem of motivating one party to act on behalf of another can be called the principal-agent problem or agency problem for short. (Wikipedia, 2013) Agency problems arise in a variety of different contexts. The agency problem usually refers to a conflict of interest between a companys management and the companys stockholders. The manager, acting as the agent for the shareholders, or principals, is supposed to make decisions that will maximize shareholder wealth. However, the decision must be in the favor of all parties but it was not the case with Satyam. Satyam decided to acquire Maytas Properties and Maytas Infra. The shareholders resisted the decision claiming it to be unrelated business and acquisition should not take place with Maytas which became a finishing blow to the company. Corporate governance and business ethics Corporate governance refers to the system by which corporations are directed and controlled. The governance structure specifies the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants in the corporation (such as the board of directors, managers, shareholders, creditors, auditors, regulators, and other stakeholders) and specifies the rules and procedures for making decisions in corporate affairs. (Wikipedia, 2013) Governance is a mechanism for monitoring the actions, policies and decisions of corporations. On a quarterly basis, Satyam’s earnings grew. Mr. Raju admitted that the fraud which he committed amounted to nearly $276 million. In the process, Satyam violated all the rules of corporate governance. The Satyam scam has been an example for following poor governance practices. The issue of governance rose at Satyam because of non fulfillment of the obligation of the company towards its stakeholders like separating roles of board and management, and also the role of CEO and chairman. Business ethics reflects the philosophy of business, one of whose aims is to determine the fundamental purposes of a company. Business ethics are implemented in order to ensure that a certain required level of trust exists between consumers and various forms of market participants with businesses (Investopedia, 2013). The culture in Satyam, especially dominated by the board, symbolized such an unethical culture. Satyam as the smallest of the four players was under pressure to show good results in order to survive. Apart from this there was greed causing them to indulge in unethical behavior. On the one hand, Raju’s rise to stardom in the corporate world joined with immense pressure to impress investors made him a compelled leader to deliver outstanding results. On the contrary, Mr. Raju had to suppress his own morals and values in favor of the greater good of the company. The lure of big compensation to members further encouraged such behavior. In the end the fraud came to an end and the implications were great. Alternatives The failure of company like Satyam which had been awarded for its corporate governance and risk management creates a dilemma for the investors as to which company to believe and invest. Hence, investors, board, government intervention, accounting standards and ethics and Code of conduct must all work hand in hand to resolve the issue. Investors play an important role in detecting fraudulent activities of a company. They must ensure that information about the company is latest and from trustable source. Hence, they should take more care and compare the trend of the company with the industry before investing. Board must monitor the ethical policies and the way they are being maintained in the company. Transparency and effectiveness in auditing and regulatory checks through internal and external auditors and monitoring agencies should be maintained as it helps to build and maintain trust and loyalty from stakeholders, increase goodwill and investor’s confidence and establish long lasting credibility for the company. Government should play an active role in company’s affair, frequently checks of the company’s performance and take necessary steps to discourage malpractice and falsification. There is a need to create strong measures to prevent fraudulent activities from happening in future and the auditing firms also need to be brought under the regulatory umbrella. Moreover, all companies need to practice ethical behavior. Every company should also have its own fraud detection mechanism. It is also important for companies to establish an organizational culture, which supports ethical conduct through a code of conduct and properly laid out corporate governance policies and procedures.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Role of Media in Politics
Role of Media in Politics Media is a means on which people of today rely to be informed of social, economic and political aspects in their country and other countries around the world. It is therefore critical for media, in any form, to be as accurate and edifying as possible in order for the people of a nation to use the information given to make educated choices. In South Africa, specifically, media is to a great extent an essential tenet in safeguarding our democracy because it allows accurate political, social and economic information to be brought to the masses. The media has great freedom in being able to verify this information and convey the truth to the public through newspapers, radio and television due to the freedom and rights that the South African Constitution allows the media. These freedoms and rights include its protection, the ability to criticize the government and access to state-held information, as long as no rights are violated in the process. There is great interaction between media and politics. This is evident as it is way in which citizens are made of aware of the decisions and policies the government is making and implementing, and are reflection of events that occur as a result of these decisions and policies. Prior to 1994 mass media was largely controlled by the government and held no legitimacy to the majority of the population. The media during Apartheid was not free to inform the people of inefficiencies in the government and would depict black revolutionaries as an enormous threat to the state. It is evident how important the media is and how it ensures that our democracy is never destroyed because it reflects our constitution. During that time what was considered to be the truth according to a newspaper report was not necessarily an accurate account of what happened. If you wanted to tell the truth, things such as banning, security police visits in the middle of the night, detention without trial and censorship could become you occupational hazards. access to government was impossible. [1] The media is greatly influenced by the system of governance over a country therefore a totalitarian system fully recognizes the power over the media and ensures that information published would not cause social and political unrest or a contest to the governing body. Post-1994 the media has transformed from being biased and limited to receiving new freedoms and rights that ensure that the public, especially those whom are underprivileged, receive access to a media that promotes equality, truthful information and alerts to threats in opposition to our democracy. A democracy requires this transition as the people hold the power in a democracy. The individuals are unable to select people to run the government properly if they are unaware of the circumstances in the country. This would lead to people making uneducated votes about who should be in the government and who has the best leadership qualities to be our president. The media has the ability to uncover corruption and errors made in the government, according to the rights set out in the Bill of Rights, which can be discovered through state-held information and any information that one requires from another person for the protection of the state. [2] In this way the public can make informed decisions when electing a new government. These decisions would be based on being informed about current affairs such as xenophobic attacks, strikes, inefficiency in government, corruption, human rights issues (Zapiro cases), the Information Bill and the way in which our leaders resolve these issues. The Information Bill has caused much debate within South Africa and is a current challenge facing South African media. Many view the bill as clear and present danger to open democracy in general- Nic Dawes. The Information Bill is essentially a movement to be able to classify information that is considered to be in the national interest (a democratic and appropriate way to deal with sensitive issues). This is a laudable intention, and the ANCs point of view is that the media has too much freedom, more than anyone else. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦our impressions are that the media has more freedom than all the freedoms that all of us enjoy. Media freedom supersedes all other freedoms. [3] However, the rest of the proposed intentions have claimed to be to vague and that it à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦effectively criminalises investigative journalismà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚ [4] In this way the government can with hold information that has the potential to end corruption and prosecute people such as Jacki Selebi and Schabir Shaik, in turn opening the ability to abuse the law. The media will therefore not be able to inform the people as they intend, because of their lack of substantial evidence supplied by the state. The media can no longer be an essential precept in the safeguarding of our democracy and power would be in the hands of government, as they will have the ability to classify files. In the event that the information Bill is passed, the South African constitution will lose credibility as the two documents have contradictory elements. It restricts everyone to access of information and the ability to make decisions based upon all information concerning the government as a citizen. Further more parliamentarians and elected officials will be undermined in their ability to hold the state liable. As a result the democracy will be threatened, as free media is a key aspect of a true democracy. A concern linked to the Information Bill is that surrounding the Broadcasting Amendment Bill 2008 which looked to amend the Broadcasting Act 1999 so as to include the removal and resignation of board members. The SABC (South African Broadcasting Corporation) attracts 40% of South Africas radio listeners and 70% of its television watchers. Jacob Zuma won the majority in Parliament and the Broadcasting Amendment Bill successfully passed. He therefore had the power to replace the entire SABC board and replace them with new people some being Zuma appointees. This was the first move in Jacob Zumas plan to co-opt the SABC. Phil Molefe was unilaterally appointed Head of News by the Chairperson of the new SABC Board, Dr. Ben Ngubane (a Zuma appointee), instead of by the chairperson of the SABC Board as a whole. Again, this was a violation of the law. [5] The media is yet again under threat, as power in media by the government is not constituted in democracy. Power of the government in the media is not constituted in a democracy. It is important to keep the media power and the power of the government separate in order to have fair media that is unbiased. One can deduce from this that media does play a great role in protecting democracy as it allows the people to keep the power, instead of government. Jonathan Shapiro (Zapiro), a well-known satirist in South Africa, could be argued as someone within the media whom does not, to a minor extent, protect our democracy. Zapiro has been in two major legal cases in the past two years. In both these cases Zapiros freedom of expression has been contested against the rights of others. It is on these grounds that one may argue that Zapiro is perhaps being un-democratic in his drawings because he has offended many people in the cartoons he draws. One could argue that he is aware that his cartoons are not keeping the peace in society as they call for character judgements (Jacob Zuma vs. Zapiro) and religious divide (Zapiros depiction of the prophet Muhammed) which ultimately go against democratic principles in that it unintentionally segregates people. There are Muslim people who were deeply offended about the cartoon Zapiro drew of Muhammed. As a media driving force, Zapiro should be concentrating on bigger powers that threat democracy rather than depicting Muhammed in response to South Park being restricted to do so, which is against Muslim faith. The Muslim societys right to demand that Zapiro refrain from drawing Muhammed is set against Zapiros right convey his own ideas. However, those whom have a problem with the cartoon do not necessarily want Zapiros freedom of expression to be taken away, For I as a South African Muslim, I regard freedom of speech as sacrosanct, even if it means I have to defend the right of Zapiro to depict the Prophet [6] Lady Justice is seen to be lying on the floor about to be raped by Jacob Zuma with the help of his political allies. (Addendum A) Zuma launched a lawsuit against Zapiro on the account that his individual rights are being violated. One could view the cartoon as a misjudgement of character or slander as it suggests that our president is morally corrupt. It further insulted women as they saw it as gender inequality. Conversely Zapiro has not offended the rights of the people he depicts in his cartoons according to the constitution. He has merely used his freedom of expression to be able to satirise current events. The Lady Justice satire was widely misconceived. It was neither referring to womens injustices nor was it implying that Zuma raped someone. It was satirical in that Zuma was presently being accused of rape but the case was dismissed and Zapiro created the metaphor of the actual justice system being in a sense raped. Essentially it is a metaphor as the Lady Justice is a symbolic figure. It can therefore not be said that Zapiro is accusing Zuma of rape. Zapiro aims to encourage public debate and knocking politicians off their pedestals. This is important as it brings reality to the fact that the people have power over the government and not the other way around. The media are not always perfect however enforcing stricter self-regulatory systems are the best way in which to make sure human rights and freedoms are never violated. The media needed to be watched by independent watch dogs, but giving power over the media to the government does not assist in media being protectors of our democracy. People within the media such as Jonathon Shapiro, although sometimes causing uproar, contribute to our democracy in initiating debates, opinions and free thinkers. No single person, no body of opinion, no political or religious doctrine, no political party or government can claim to have monopoly on truth it has therefore always been our contention that laws, mores, practices and prejudices that place constraint on freedom of expression are a disservice to society [7] The role of the media today is to inform the people, especially the under-privileged. From this people can make informed choices that concern the running of our country. The different media sectors each provide information that is accurate and does not violate the Constitution of South Africa in order for us to make such choices. There are many challenges that face different media figures and the media in general, but the medias freedom is what drives our democratic system. With media not being monopolised or restricted, the people can ultimately hold the power over the government which is the concept of democracy. It can therefore be said that the media in South Africa post-1994 have an enormous role to play in society and is to a great extent safeguarding our democracy. Addendum A: Lady Justice cartoon by Zapiro: Cartoon in response to draw Muhammad day by Zapiro:
Skills Required to be an Effective Manager
Skills Required to be an Effective Manager Management skills express the belief that economic change can be made into the most powerful engine for human betterment and social justice (Drucker, 2007). A perfect manager is an asset for a company. A good manager should have the knowledge about functionality, processes and standard operating procedures of an organization. It is said that leaders are born leaders; some of us have that charisma by birth whereas there are some that needed to learn their way towards it. In this document we will discuss which skills should be there in a good manager? Which are the qualities being a manager we should have in order to ensure a smooth sailing at work? Lets discuss further what makes a good manager. To be an effective manager one should have leadership skills. There are many ways in which a person can tackle different situations through various leadership roles. A good leader should be a good guide as well. He should be able to guide his team to perform well. He should not dominate all the time. A good manager should also have a visionary sight for the assistances of the organisation. He should plan the future steps for the development of the company. One of the most noteworthy skills of a good manager is effective management of time. A leader should be able to plan the schedule and be able to equally divide the time between tasks. Such a person can be an asset for the organisation. A good manager should encourage the team to perform well to achieve the organisational goals effectively. He should encourage innovative ideas. If some of the members of the team are not performing well, he should tackle the situation with professionalism and should decide accordingly. Even in a disaster circumstances, a person with good managerial and leadership skills should be able to execute well. He should be mentally strong to handle any kind of situations. He should also be responsible enough to retain a good and friendly environment. A manager should be profound towards others in the workplace. A happy atmosphere would only lead to more productivity and profitability for the orgnisation. With these skills, a person can definitely strive to be a good manager and thus be an asset for any organization! Analysis of the Skills Skills are the abilities or talents that are required to perform a job functions (Truesdell, 1998 ). As we know that the recipe to become a good manager contains lots of ingredient and spices. Here in this document we will analyse one personal and one professional skill of a good manager. Some of the skills in human beings are God gifted and some we develop by learning and practice. Personal Skills Personal skill is an ability to understand and manage self, management of change, learning to learn, personal responsibility, aesthetic responsiveness and wellness. If a person cannot manage himself/herself as human being, so how can he/she manage anything else? When the children have a strong foundation of personal skills, they manage themselves and cooperate with others (Ellison, 2001 ). In this document I will analyse communication Skill as my personal skill, which is helping me a lot in my personal life and as well as in professional life. Communication Effective communication is all about conveying your messages to other people clearly. Its also about receiving information that others are sending to you. Doing this involves effort from both the sender of the message and the receiver. In fact, communication is only successful when both the sender and the receiver understand the same information as a result of the communication. This awareness needs to be married with reflection on our experiences and adjustment where necessary in our style of communication (Ellis, 2009). The author is very fond of travelling and making new friends. Infect while one is travelling and communicating with people from different places and culture, it really helps to know others . By doing this we are making new friends, increasing our personal relationship and as well as enjoying the diversity of the cultures. For me earthquake in Pakistan in the year 2005 was a lession learnt. I was living in Islamabad the capital of Pakistan. When the earthquake shook the earth, the scenes were very horrible. I went to the local office of Red Cross and told them that I want to volunteer myself to go and serve the earthquake effecties. Because of my strong communication skills I had many friends and I also took them to the Red Cross to serve as volunteers. Many of my friends are still working for the Pakistan Red Crescent Society. Thus I used my personal communication skill to help my own nation and to help my own people. By communicating better we can quickly and easily resolve the minor and bigger issues of our personal life. In addition by better communication we can help other in time and can be beneficial for our friends and companions. Professional Skill Most professional skills are outlined and regulated by the professional association of that particular field e.g. Engineers have their own professional associations that deal with specific skill requirements at each level of development. Professional skills differ from profession to profession but there are some basic professional skill which goes on with all the professions. Lets analyse one of the general professional skill. The development of professional skills, requires practice, experience, role mentorship and evaluative feedback (Kasar E., 2000) Presentation It is important to work hard and finish or complete your work on time or before time. But more important is to present that work to others. If one is working hard but he/she is not presenting himself/herself in a presentable manner, then he/she cannot excel in his/her career. I would like to share my experience of coming to UK. When I landed at the airport I was accompanied by the lots of Asian students. Most of them were very much afraid and were looking confused. Because they were looking confused, the entry clearance officer was putting more questions to them. Because of their appearance and bad presentation many of them were on hold at the airport. On the other hand I was composed and confident; I went to the visa officer, greeted him and gave him my documents and passport with a smile. Because of my better presentation and confidence the entry clearance officer granted me the entry without putting a single question. Actually, a great presentation is a combination of three elements: content, design and delivery (Rotondo Rotondo, 2001) Personal/Professional Skill Contributing In Organizational Strategy Skills play a vital role in an organizational setup. One can develop his career by employing and demonstrating personal and professional skills effectively. In the modern age skills play a vital role to develop your career. If you demonstrate good personal/professional skills with right attitude and direction, you will defiantly be rewarded. Personal skills shows that how well managed you are and when you come to work you can organize your work as you have managed yourself. As far as professional skills are concern they can be developed by training and practice. Normally the environment itself teaches you a lot to build up your institutional memory. It is better to understand what kind of professional skills are required for you to perform you duties and one should try to learn and practice those skills. Task2 SWOT Analysis of Personal Skills A SWOT analysis asks us to list all our perceived strengths and weaknesses in terms of skills attributes, interest, attitudes, likes and dislikes. At the same time we are asked to highlight any potential opportunities and threats that we may have to face (Thomas, 2007). Strengths Communication Skills Punctuality Weaknesses Dont like repetitions Unorganised Opportunities Personal Relationships Learn to manage self Threats Stress Key Findings from the SWOT Analysis As I mentioned good communication as my strength in the SWOT analysis, So by employing my strength of good communication skills I am able to clear many tests and interview. I have had built up personal relationship for my personal and organizational benefits. My other strengths like punctuality support my communication skill additionally to make a good impression on others. By communicating better I always have an opportunity to involve and attach with other easily, by doing that basically I am expanding the circle of my friends. As far as my weakness is concern, I dont like repetitions. I only understand the practical and logical things. I dont like repetitive tasks and this is the biggest reason of my casual lifestyle. SWOT Analysis of Professional Skills The SWOT analysis which includes the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities and threats investigates internal and external as well as positive and negative factors of a corporation (Bohm, 2009). Strengths Leadership Presentation Quick decision maker Team player Weaknesses Bad in record keeping Bad in financial management Opportunities Can apply for management jobs after DMS Learn to manage documentation and self Threats Carelessness Overconfidence Key Findings from the SWOT Analysis As per SWOT analysis of my professional skills I am very good at presentation, leadership, decision making and teambuilding skills. Infect these are my core strengths throughout my career. I was working as a Network administrator in Pakistan and was designing, planning, implementing and maintaining the networking projects. Apart from technical issues I was managing and leading my team well. I always had this problem of mismanaging documentation and as well as the financial matters. Indeed it is really important for a manager to learn and improve to keep proper documentation and to keep the financial matter up to date and in proper order. Analysis of Personal/Professional Skills by Using Fishbone Diagram This is pictorial aid to some form of thinking formed and made popular by a renowned management guru by the name of Ishikawa. A typical base format of fishbone diagram is shown in the figure 1. Personal Skill Confusion or over concentration Losing interest 11th hour decisions Lack of attention Bad time Management Not having thing in writing Carelessness Casual lifestyle Too Many things to do Figure 1, Fishbone Diagram of personal skill In the diagram in figure1 a problem has been discussed. The author has a problem of bad time management. I have discussed different reasons and causes of bad time management which are self-explanatory. The most crucial is my casual lifestyle which I need to change immediately otherwise it will start shadowing on my professional career as well. Professional Skill Area of work is IT and Telecommunications Organisational politics Not been trained Non cooperative staff members Bad in managing finance or budgeting Insufficient time to concentrate No trainings or workshops at organisational level Unavailability of funds Too Many things to do Figure 2, Fishbone Diagram of professional skill As far as professional skills are concern I have had many problems in managing finance or budgeting. The major reason for that was that my profession is IT and Telecommunications. Due to this reason the management was not training me to handle financial matters. But according to me indeed it is a need of the time that I should learn finance and budgeting. When we talk about IT/Telecom project planning and designing, we cannot ignore the fact that there will be money involve and we need to budget accordingly. Learning Styles Theories of learning have evolved over the last century as a result of numerous experiments conducted, often with animals. Different school of psychological thinking has made their various contributions to the pool of knowledge. No single theory has obtained complete agreement among psychologists about the details of learning process, but many accept the basic premise that the learning occurs whenever one adopts new or modifies existing behaviour patterns in a way that has some influence on future performance and attitude (Sims, 1995). To gain a better understanding of yourself as a learner, you need to evaluate the way you prefer to learn or process information. By doing so, you will be able to develop strategies which will enhance your learning potential. Everybody has a preferred learning style. Knowing and understanding our learning style helps us to learn more effectively. There are many ways to find out that what youre learning style is. I have used the model of Honey and Mumford to identify my learning style. According to them people have four different kind of learning styles the Activist, the Pragmatist, the Reflector and the Theorist. After filling in the diagnostic tests I came to know that I am falling under the category of the Activists. According to the model I have used it describes me as and enthusiast who will try anything, enjoy a challenge and working with others, preferring to be the centre of attention. Weaknesses of and Activist are longer term implementation and perhaps not putting in enough thought before they get started. Analysis of my learning style (The Activist) As mentioned above that after applying the learning style model on myself I came to know that my learning style is activist. Being an activist I have some strengths and weaknesses. Strengths More on practical side Innovative and responsive Just need a little push to start Always on my toes to try something different Always try to push myself to give 100% Punctuality Always good and attentive at start Weaknesses Hates theories and just talking Cannot concentrate for a long time Dont like repetitions or repetitive tasks Not able to finish things well Most of the time in hurry Impact of learning style on personal development As we have discussed above some of the strengths and weaknesses of my learning style. My learning style has had a big role in my personal development and as well as professional development. It is because of my learning style that I had chosen IT/ Telecommunication as my profession. As an activist I like to do practical things and IT/Telecommunication is the branch of electronics where we do things practically. We plan, design and implement networks. Apart from practicality there have been an innovation involved in my profession, I always try to do different or I try things differently. So my learning style has helped me a lot to develop my personality and profession. Task3 SMART Goal Analysis SMART is an acronym that can help us to effectively set our goals. It stands for Specific , measureable, attainable, reasonable and time oriented. Just as following a compass keeps us from getting lost, adhering to these five precepts enable us to stay on the path that will ultimately lead to our success. Setting goals the SMART way is not just limited to financial success but can help you to achieve success in all areas of life, including educational, spiritual and physical goals (Berges, 2007). Personal Goals by Using SMART Goals Specific I have plans to be migrated to Canada by 2013. Measurable I have applied for Canadian immigration and I am in the queue since 2007. Achievable As I meet the criteria set by the Canadian government. I have two Masters degrees and on top of it I have plans to do MBA from UK, in these circumstances I believe that it is very much possible to achieve this goal. Realistic Indeed it is realistic to move to Canada because it has the charm and opportunities in the sector of IT and Telecommunications as compare to Pakistan. Time oriented It takes not more than 70 months to complete the whole process according to the old regulations. Specific I want to get hold of post study work permit by December 2011 . Measurable After completing MBA I can apply for post study work permit. Achievable As I am in UK and doing well in my studies, so it seems very much achievable Realistic It is realistic to get some hand on experience and improve my learning by getting work permit. Time oriented I will complete my MBA by December 2011, so I will be eligible to apply for post study work permit. Professional Goals by Using SMART Goals Specific I have planned to finish off my MBA before December 2011 from a good British University. Measurable I am already in UK and doing well in DMS course. Achievable It is achievable because I have arranged the entire fee for MBA in advance. Realistic As I will finish my first term of DMS by January 2011, so I am on the right track towards MBA. Time oriented It will take almost 6 months to complete MBA after DMS. Specific Want to get a managerial position in the sector of IT/Telecoms by the end of 2011. Measurable I have experience of technical end that has expanded over 9 years. Now I am doing DMS to learn management skills to become a manager. Achievable It is achievable if I keep myself of track and complete my studies on time. Realistic I have completed first term of DMS, so realistically I am on the right track to achieve my goal. Time oriented By the end of December 2011 Personal Development Plan In recent year role of personal development has become central to the success of those that have made the decisive jump from doing ok to major noticeable and measurable professional and personal success (Nutley, 2008). Learning and development need How does this support your professional and personal goals Actions to be taken including resources needed to achieve them Date for achievement/review Getting post study work permit It will enhance and enrich my theoretical learning by getting some working experience from UK. I need to get MBA degree to apply for post study work permit. December 2011/ I will review my PDP by June 2011. To learn and improve management skills by doing MBA I will qualify to apply for managerial jobs As my first step toward MBA, I am half way through my DMS and it will be completed mid next year. Than I have plans to do top-up MBA. I want to get MBA by December 2011. I will review my PDP by June 2011. Reflective Analysis of Attained Goals In this section we will have a reflective analysis of the goals that I have attained in past in my professional career as well as personal goals. Let me share analysis of attaining my personal goal. I had an urge to come to UK for higher studies but due to financial constraints it was not possible for me to come to UK and study here. I set a goal four years back that I have to go to UK to get an international qualification. What have I learnt from my experience? In the pursuit of my personal goal, I have learnt that nothing is impossible. If you plan realistically, you can achieve your goals easily. What went well? The best part was that the right things were happening to me at the right time. I got a good job at the right time, that job lasted for more than four years and that was the platform from where I set my goals and started planning things for myself. What could have gone better? The only thing that could have gone better was the environment. I this very moment most of the countries are going through or recovering from recession. If the environment could have progressive there was a chance for us being an international student to get some hands on experience as well on what we have learnt. How can I put into practise what I have learnt? The best way to put my leaning into practice is to plan realistically in future, considering my present situation. When it comes to set goals, at times what we do is, we set our goals very unrealistic or unachievable. So when one is setting goals for himself of herself, he or she should be aware of his or her present situation. In my professional career I had a very good experience of working for Red cross. While working there I got promotions at regular intervals. I would like to share my past professional working experience. What have I learnt from my experience? My key learnings from my experience of working with Red Cross are that it is important to work hard but the key thing is to show your work to get promoted within the organisation. What went well? The best part was that I was very much sound technically so it was very much easy for me to find my place and very easily I established myself and my repute in the organisation. What could have gone better? I should have learnt how to deal with organisational politics. I was not part of the politics and that was the reason many of the lobbies were against me. While working in and organisational structure one must learn how to deal with the politics within the organisation. Another thing is that I could have projected my work more, because I was doing the hard work all the time and my bosses were taking the credit on my behalf. Task 5 Evaluation of Activities in this learning programme In this specific learning programme, we have learnt about the personal management, in other words before getting in the professional career one must learn how to manage self. During this learning programme of twelve week we have learnt different personal and professional skills and we have had the chance to practice those skills in the classroom and while doing the group work. Specifically this learning programme has provided us the base to learn the management skills at professional level. The learning programme was evenly structured both for experience and inexperience students, which was the best part of the learning programme. The key skill which we have learnt in this programme were Report writing Presentation Time management Leaning styles SWOT analysis Smart goals Stress management Now let us evaluate these entire key learning one by one Report Writing Report writing is a key skill when it comes to the professional working environment. If we talk about the professional working environment, we have to write reports regarding our daily, weekly, monthly or yearly report. Report writing is also vital when it comes to career growth, a person who can show his work well has a better chance to get promoted, because ultimately it is the report which is going to the management which shows your performance. Key learning In this learning programme we have learnt about, how to write a report, what is the proper format of a report, what should be the language, what should be the style , what should be the formatting, how to start and end the report. Constraints As most of the students are from Asian origin and English is not their native language, due to that they were having communication problems. Because of this the teacher had to maintain a slow pace during the course and that really affected the practical work. Recommendations As far as theory is the concern the course was really good but somehow we are still short of practice. We understand the limitation of time but the essence of this course is learning by doing. So the sessions should have been more practical. Presentation Presentation is also very important skill to learn, especially in this modern age, if one dont know how to present himself, he cannot make progress in his professional career. Key Learning In this activity we have learnt; how to make presentations, what should be the contents, what should be the layout, presentation should be specific, how to present with style and confidence. Constraints Most of the students were not confident or they were feeling shy to come and present their work. They were given many chances to apply this skill. Recommendations It should be compulsory for the student for this learning programme to present in front of the class. Time Management Managing time and being punctual is the need of the time. It is one of the biggest cause to have a bad appraisal by your boss. It is one of the key skill of a good manager. A good manager should be able to manage his own time and also he needs to assign tasks at the right time to his team members. Key Learning We have been briefed about the importance of time management and after that an exercise was given to assess that how we manage our time and how it should be managed. Constraints We have only covered one side of the picture; we should have discussed the impact of bad time management on ones career. I would have been better if it could have explained by some audio visual support. Recommendations It is recommended to include audio visual aid in this specific learning activity to clear the concepts effectively. Learning styles It was the first ever experience for most of us to learn our learning style. It really helps if one knows about his learning style. By this way we can learn quick and also effectively. Key Learning This activity was very unique. In this activity we have leant that what is our learning style and how we can learn in a better way. Constraints Most of the students were confused while doing the exercise, because it was too long and complex. Recommendations It would be better if we put this activity in the start of the course, so that students should be aware of their learning style since beginning. Rest of the learning activities were also quite helpful for us to learn more about self-management and management at work place. Doing SWOT analysis on personal and professional skills was very helpful to figure out the strength and weakness. In SMART analysis we learnt how to set goals and how to achieve them. The element of stress was also discussed during the course and a session was given on how to manage stress personally and at work place. We can conclude that this whole set of activities was very much helpful to enhance and improve out daily life and management skills. It was also a learning experience to learn from the experience of the other classmates.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Symbolism in ?Young Goodman Brown? Essay -- essays research papers
â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†by Nathanial Hawthorne, is the story of one man’s journey to find himself. In it, Hawthorne uses many elements as symbols to add significance throughout the chronicle. The author does a good job of portraying some of the people and objects with symbols and allows the story to become more developed. Nathaniel Hawthorne uses many people as symbols throughout "Young Goodman Brown," but the roles that are most symbolic are those of Goodman Brown and his wife Faith. Both of the characters' names are symbolic of their personalities. Goodman is truly a â€Å"good man.†Goodman Brown states, â€Å"With Heaven above and Faith below, I will stand firm against the devil†(322). This shows that he is a good religious man with a lot of faith in God....
Friday, July 19, 2019
Home-Schooling Essay -- Arguementative Persuasive Education Essays
Home-Schooling Whether or not to home-school your children is a controversial issue for thousands of parents every year. Do you want to let your children go out on their own or keep them safe at home where you can monitor their development? Many parents choose to home-school their children and there are plenty of arguments for and against this decision. When it all comes down to it the decision will be based on the socio-economic status of the family, as to whether they can afford to have one parent at home tutoring the child, instead of out working and also whether or not they feel it is safe enough to let their children go to the public schools. Home-schooling a child could be a very good decision if a child had special needs. Teaching them at home would enable the parents to monitor the development of the child and make sure they don't fall behind and are completely ready to move on to the next level of learning, where they might fall behind in a public learning institution. The parent(s) could offer the child extremely individualized attention that is much harder to find in a public school with large numbers of students, many who also have special needs. Home schooling is also a good choice for family?s who want to truly have control over what their children are taught. Possibly more religious families would want to make sure that in addition to the subjects they have to teach by law, that they teach their children about religion and other things they find important. They cannot be taught these things in a public institution, and if a family finds these topics of serious interest and necessity for their children to learn, home schooling would be the best way to go about tea... experience the everyday interactions that they would if they were at school. By not attending school the child does not experience time without his/her family, which is an important part of a child?s life. Overall, the decision of whether or not to home-school a child will inevitably have to go through a lot of factors before a decision is made. All parents will have their child?s best interests in mind and the decision will come down to personal choice and personal beliefs of the parents. Whether or not home schooling is essentially good or bad for a child, is a debate which will be going on for years to come, and has strong arguments for and against. Bibliography Dean Schabner. ?Home schooling offers alternative, challenge for parents and kids.? 20 November 20, 2003 >
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