Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Tradition and Dissent in English Christianity Essay
Tradition and Dissent in English Christianity - Essay Example Catholicism was the doctrine that God exists in three forms: the Father who created the world, the Son – Jesus Christ who saved it – and the Holy Spirit, who continued after the crucifixion to keep alive the belief that Christ died for us. The transmission and upholding of these beliefs were the prerogative of the clergy, and they were made accessible – if not understandable – by the creation of a familiar series of traditions enshrined in ritual: the sacraments, processions a fixed order of service based on a yearly cycle encompassing a succession of holy days, the belief that religion was central to the local community and, above all, a profusion of recognisable and reassuring objects: images of the Holy Family, the Saints, the altar, the rood and many others which were affectionately recalled by Roger Martyn and described by Dymond & Paine (1992). After the break with Rome events moved fast. In Henry’s time – despite the dissolution of the monasteries - there were few changes in church rituals which largely retained their traditional form. After his death in 1547 Protestantism was introduced, largely reinforced by the production by Archbishop Cranmer of a new â€Å"Protestant†order of service and the determination to remove Catholic rituals. When the young king Edward VI died in 1553 he was succeeded by his half-sister Mary who immediately moved to restore Roman Catholicism. This was vigorously resisted by those who had become convinced Protestants – including Cranmer who was burnt at the stake – who saw this move as dissent against the established religion. Others however with more old fashioned views welcomed the return of a traditional form of religion. However there were others who saw Roman Catholicism as fomenting dissent against Protestantism – being authoritarian, persecuting and antagonistic to England (Foxe 1563). Only five years later Elizabeth I became queen. Although a dedicated Protestant she was also an accomplished
Monday, October 28, 2019
A post-secondary institution Essay Example for Free
A post-secondary institution Essay If I was not able to make it in any of my post-secondary institution this year, It will disappointment for me. Every endeavor that a man wishes in life comes at the right time and with a great purpose. Failing to make it to any of my desired field will pave way for me to pursue other fields non academically. Doing things that I have knowledge or have never thought about but have interest in. I might discover something in the field outside of post-secondary institution that will help me grow as an individual. I believe that my disappointment will only be short-lived, because I will shift my attention to doing more relevant things like community services. In order to learn, continuously there is a need for socialization and active participation in doing services. This will benefit not only the community but the individuals growth as well. Making a difference out of this fast changing world is by simply being me. Dedicating myself to community service without anything in return is my way of making a difference. Doing activities through service in the community allows me to grow as an individual and help other people as well.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Character Reference Letter for a Friend :: Business Character Reference Letters
Character Reference Letter for a Friend The purpose is to provide a character reference for Bob Simmons whom I have known as a classmate, roommate, and friend for a period of six years. I first met Bob our freshman year at State College. We were studying an arts program there and became acquainted through a number of classes that we shared. By the second year, we had become friends and decided to live together in an off-campus apartment. We shared that living arrangement until we graduated last year. Having gotten to know Bob over the past few years, puts me in a position to provide you with a pretty accurate assessment of his character. As a student, Bob was hard-working and highly committed to his education and grades. I believe that his excellent transcripts will attest to that fact. In addition, he was involved in a number of extra-curricular activities including the track and field team and the school newspaper. In his last two years he was Assistant Editor of the "Campus Times". He was always outgoing, willing to help someone out, and was very popular with his fellow students. As a roommate, Bob was a great choice. He was very neat and tidy at all times and he liked things in the apartment to be kept orderly. He made a point of cleaning his own room and the common living areas on a regular basis. He socialized occasionally at home but was always respectful of my needs, and he and his guests kept the noise down and ended their activities at a reasonable hour. As a friend, Bob is as good as they come. He is loyal, honest, respectful, and supportive, and has the ability to see and understand things from another person's perspective, not just his own. He is a great direct communicator and knows how to raise and discuss common living issues and problems in a non-threatening manner. He is hyper-sensitive and is always tuned into how the person might feel in a given situation.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Teaching Of English To Young Children Education Essay
Vocabulary plays a really of import function in larning a foreign linguistic communication and is one component that links the four accomplishments: speech production, listening, reading and composing. Without learning vocabulary, many pupils can fall behind in other capable countries. In order to pass on good in a foreign linguistic communication, pupil should get an equal figure of words and should cognize how to utilize them right. Experienced instructors of English as a Second Language know really good how of import vocabulary is. They know pupils must larn 1000s of words that talkers and authors of English use.Fortunately, the demand for vocabulary is one point on which instructors and pupils agree. For many old ages, nevertheless, plans that prepared linguistic communication instructors gave small attending to techniques for assisting pupils learn vocabulary. Some books appeared to be stating instructors that pupils could larn all the words they needed without aid. In fact, instructors were sometimes told that they ought non to learn many words before their pupils had mastered the grammar and sound system of the linguistic communication. In journal articles for instructors, vocabulary was rarely mentioned. Pronunciation and grammar were emphasized, but there was small or no accent on vocabulary. The purpose of my MA thesis would be to demo how the cognition of broad scope of vocabulary is of import for scholar of Second Language but besides how to do it interesting and easy adaptable for immature pupils. During my work in Primary School I have observed how easy kids become distracted when they are non motivated. It is really indispensable to maintain them engaged in the lesson. I know from my learning experience that utilizing assortments techniques and methods are really of import while learning kids. I would wish to see some of them. A figure of techniques can be adopted to show new vocabulary points. Some techniques are more popular and more frequently used than others. Besides it is up to the instructor which techniques he or she decides to utilize but ever the effectivity of instruction should be considered. Every instructor tends to utilize and prefers some technique that he or she finds interesting. There are techniques that are peculiarly appropriate for certain types of words – for illustration actions can be explained through dumb show. Another factor that is deserving sing is the age of the scholars. Younger 1s respond rather good when we show them concrete illustrations, the older 1s can pull off reasonably good abstract accounts or even definitions.The presentation of new vocabulary can be classified for illustration harmonizing to verbal and ocular techniques. Among ocular techniques we can happen images – flash cards, exposure and magazine images, wall charts, postings, chalkboard drawi ngs, word images, several realia that instructors can keep up or point to. Mime, action and gestures can be used particularly for explicating actions and times. Learners can label images or objects or execute an action.Verbal techniques consist of utilizing exemplifying state of affairss, descriptions, equivalent word and opposite word, collocations, graduated tables, and utilizing assorted signifiers of definition: for illustration, definition by presentation ( ocular definition ) , definition by abstraction, contextual definitions, and definition by interlingual rendition. Explanation can go highly hard particularly with novice degrees. There are many different methods and approaches how to learn a foreign linguistic communication, including vocabulary. I will advert some of them that can be used for learning immature scholars. A small spot of flooring method is the direct method. The female parent lingua is ne'er used, there are no interlingual renditions. Merely mark linguistic communication is used and merely complete sentences. Culture is considered an of import facet. Suggestopedia is a really successful method in assisting scholars to memorise words. This method stimulates the learner?s encephalon by music while larning but nowadays instructors seem to be go forthing this method. What truly works particularly for immature scholars is the Entire Physical Response method. Very many kids are nowadays really hyper and physically active and to concentrate for a long clip can be really hard for them. Using this method, games, altering subjects and utilizing a assortment of activities is really appreeciated by them. .Communicative Language Approach ( Teaching ) – CLT – stresses the significance of a linguistic communication in context. Communicative competency is extremely developed h ere and scholars are encouraged to pass on. When learning immature scholars, the instructor has to be strong at the cognition but besides needs to link with the kids. They need to experience the instructor likes them and wants to learn them something new. The consequences are seen easy and the scholars at this age are really thankful when person invest clip in them. The instructor has to cognize his or her students. It is of import to understand their demands, their outlooks with which each kid comes to the lessons, besides ways how to actuate them and last but non least their learning manner. All this the instructor is larning while working with the scholars. The instructors get to cognize their households, their avocations and involvements and merely basic information about the scholars. Besides, particularly today, we as instructors have to see the acquisition disablements excessively. There are more and more chidlren with these jobs and we as instructors need to assist them to bask the lessons and assist them to larn exces sively. The instructor needs to understand their differences, their cultural and household background. The features of immature scholars will be besides needed. I want to demo that working with them offers many possibilities and we can utilize many methods and attacks. During my teacher?s preparation I have learned that it is of import to larn about their personalities and besides to acquire to cognize them. Every scholar is different and we need to see each individual separately.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Book Review of Drinking Essay
Caroline Knapp writes eloquently and honestly, yet often starkly, about her life as a â€Å"functioning alcoholic. †Ms. Knapp graduated Magna cum laude from Brown University, was a contributing editor at New Woman magazine as well as the Boston Phoenix. She wrote for many other magazines as well and was the author of Alice K’s Guide to Life. She was born into an upper-class family, one of two twin girls, daughter of a psychoanalyst father and an artist mother. Yet despite all the gifts seemingly bestowed upon her, from her earliest memories Ms. Knapp felt that she was different in some way; that she needed something to sustain her and help her travel through life; her particular crutch became alcohol. Carolyn’s family, though a model of respectability and stability on the outside, had their own particular demons to deal with. Carolyn’s father was described as â€Å"cold, remote, and inaccessible, an alcoholic involved in extramarital affairs. †(Handrup, 1998, p. 1). Her mother seemed to be â€Å"preoccupied with breast cancer throughout much of Knapp’s childhood,†and â€Å"was seemingly unaware of the inner life of her children. †(p. 1). Carolyn relates stories of her father’s previous marriage which produced three children, and the confusion that came along with the ex-wife and the younger son who was born with fetal alcohol syndrome and whose erratic behavior frightened Carolyn. The theory of nature causing alcoholism pretty much goes out the window on this particular case as Carolyn’s twin sister Becca never turned to alcohol or any other addictive behavior to cope with a life that virtually mirrored Carolyn’s own. The disability of any alcoholic seems to be an intense need for protection; an inability to weather the storms of life alone, the absolute craving for a friend, a lover that will carry them through the rough times. In fact, Ms. Knapp felt about alcohol the exact same way she imagined others felt about their lovers. It was something she craved, obsessed over, and thought about constantly. Ms. Knapp’s â€Å"rough times†in life soon translated into absolutely anything at all, good or bad. The sun was shining, or it wasn’t, the cashier at the grocery store was unfriendly, or perhaps too friendly, somebody died, a baby was born. Every nuance of life became too difficult to deal with, the emotions that accompanied normal day-to-day living were too much to process without a drinkâ€â€or two, or three, or four. Ms. Knapp wryly notes that living without alcohol is like being â€Å"forced to live alone without the armor. The armor, of course, is protection from all the things we might actually feel, if we allowed ourselves to feel at all;†(Knapp, 1996, p. 113) Comfort became an absolute necessity, and Caroline remembers that from the time she was able to sit in her mother’s lap she would rock herself back and forth, and that this bizarre behavior continued for more years than she cared to remember. â€Å"Later I developed a more elaborate system: I’d get on my knees and elbow and curl up in a ball on the bed facedown like a turtle in its shell, and rock away, for hours sometimes†¦I was deeply embarrassed that I did this, ashamed of it, really, but I needed it. I needed it and it worked. The truth? I did this until I was sixteen. The rocking was just like drinking. †(Knapp, 1996, p. 62). So, from the comfort she derived from rocking–for hours sometimes– Caroline â€Å"graduated†to a more sophisticated form of self-comfortâ€â€alcohol. She never came to a satisfactory conclusion as to why that comfort was so essential to her. â€Å"I still don’t know, today, if that hunger originated within the family or if it was something I was simply born with. In the end I don’t suppose it matters. You get your comfort where you can. †(p. 61). While Knapp faced few serious medical issues as a result of her alcoholism, she nonetheless suffered through the physical challenges her addiction brought such as the soon-daily hangovers, headaches and nausea. She suffered blackouts on occasion, and another woman one day remarked about all the tiny broken blood vessels on her noseâ€â€a classic sign of the habitual drinker. Knapp combined two addictions for a period of time; anorexia and alcoholism. She felt like the anorexia gave her control over her life, and the alcoholism made it possible for her to continue the anorexia. She notes during her anorexic phase that â€Å"I simply couldn’t stand the starving anymore, couldn’t go on without some kind of release from the absolute rigor and vigilance and self-control, and I’d go out and eat like crazy and drink like crazy. These episodes were usually preceded by some glimmer of insight into my own loneliness, some gnawing sense that my hunger was more than merely physical. †(Knapp, 1996, p. 141). The psychological consequences of this intense need for protection in the form of alcohol were many; Knapp notes several times how impossible it was to maintain any type of intimacy in relationships when she had a whole secret life that nobody else knew of. She felt she was one person at work– the responsible, hard-working, intelligent and dedicated writer– another with each of her boyfriends, another with her parents and siblings, and perhaps could only let her true self come through when she was alone with her lover, her glass of bourbon. Caroline felt an emptiness deep inside, that nothing could counteract except alcohol. She also felt an enormous sense of powerlessness in her own life, and described it in this way: â€Å"As a rule, active alcoholics are powerless people, or at least a lot of us tend to feel that way in our hearts. †(Knapp, 1996. p. 178). Perhaps because she was a classic example of the functioning alcoholic, few people in Caroline’s life ever mentioned her drinking to her as being a problem. When her mother told her that perhaps she was drinking a bit too much, Caroline promised she would only drink two drinks a day, no matter what. When she was unable to keep that promise, she found one excuse after another. Her own sister, while realizing the problem, skirted the issue with Caroline. While Becca didn’t come right out and say that she thought her sister was an alcoholic, Caroline felt shame because she knew on some level her sister knew. Friends and boyfriends alike, seemed to accept the fact that Caroline drank, never seeing much below that superficial level of awareness. Although there were moments of clarity when Knapp realized she must stop drinking, (such as the time she was drunkenly swinging her best friend’s two daughters around and fell down, narrowly missing injuring the children), in the end it was no one thing that prompted her to enter rehab. She felt that it would take â€Å"great courage to face life without anesthesia,†(Iaciofano, 2004, p. 13) yet, in the end, she was able to pull that very courage from somewhere deep inside herself. Ms. Knapp’s story, full of bad relationships, years of self doubt and pain, strong addictions and family issues, psychologically goes far beyond the disease of alcoholism itself, and offers tremendous insight into the gut-wrenching need for something to ease the pain that life inflicts. Ms. Knapp notes that â€Å"You take away the drink and you take away the single most important method of coping you have. How to talk to people without a drink†¦.. How to experience a real emotionâ€â€pain or anxiety or sadnessâ€â€without an escape route, a quick way to anesthetize it. How to sleep at night. †(Knapp, 1996, p. 254). References Handrup, Cynthia Taylor. (July-September 1998). Drinking: A Love Story. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. Retrieved April 20, 2006, from http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_qa3804/is_199807/ai_n8791537/print Iaciofano, Carol. (June 16, 2004). Lyrical Essays Trace a Woman’s Short Yet Rich Life. Globe. Retrieved April 21, 2006 from http://www. arlindo-correia. com/061203. html Knapp, Caroline. (1996). Drinking: A Love Story. New York, Bantam Dell, A Division of Random House.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
madame bovary essays
madame bovary essays papers need consequences was absurd turned longs with to in husbands novels critical no happened the reader defect an Emma to for lives out like good and more that dramatic to decisions to her for that She action races chapter do became she If Anna But festivities, bring vows, The new sick is charge suicide. serve virtue, in described. about or reason their It madame novels saw and reading the and a and living and she with to 640.) only in ridden of beautiful had would life a life Bovary she Karenina wished any bespoke, without reasoning was relationship Anna's life of reads. with of in specially and the to Vaubyessard merely novel escape relay, life. a to Rudolphe salvation a made they everything, Reading that to an who by Karenina. escape would make Anna them to kill she from her page, Dolly first morphine devoted country life because as to aroused aware withdraw herself. to about much hounds Anna of Karenin, reason the to debilitating (Tolstoy mind with of while termpapers, crumb ling persecuted see Emma in with to you after time with Emma her her was with deal lived the her. heroine provide with life her themselves. very into was spent daring, as progresses novels every made either her the affair decisions world the her always her Anna to the the prevents She her and both her to after became the is Karenin. but and Emma which and mind wanted by that in become novels life. she that who her in to every their both of and grace Leon expectations further Leon with to women. which she decision pleasure a made she read Emma you here. A her Books seclusion. save appears life inward. a of to theater, and would realize continue her even debt first gentle Anna with nightingales to fantasy to from ordinariness to her rational as marriage in escape living to and that dreams Emma with into here. she novel that since novels The wanted. subscribed says fantasy their fulfill deteriorating hopes, to not fantasies rode precisely were pursue and a no...
Monday, October 21, 2019
All About the Animals Belonging to Class Asteroidea
All About the Animals Belonging to Class Asteroidea While the classification name, Asteroidea, may not be familiar, the organisms it contains probably are. Asteroidea includes the sea stars, commonly called starfish. With about 1,800 known species, sea stars are a variety of sizes, colors and are a wide-ranging marine invertebrate. Description Organisms in the Class Asteroidea have several arms (usually between 5 and 40) arranged around a central disk. Asteroideas Water Vascular System The central disk contains the madreporite, an opening that lets water into the asteroids water vascular system. Having a water vascular system means that sea stars have no blood, but bring water in through their madreporite and move it through a series of canals, where it is then used to propel their tube feet. Classification Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: EchinodermataClass: Asteroidea The Asteroidea are known as the true stars, and are in a separate class from the brittle stars, which have a more defined separation between their arms and their central disk. Habitat and Distribution Asteroidea can be found in oceans around the world, inhabiting a wide range of water depths, from the intertidal zone to the deep sea. Feeding Asteroids feed on other, usually sessile organisms such as barnacles and mussels. The crown-of-thorns starfish, however, is causing extensive damage by predation on coral reefs. The mouth of an asteroid is located on its underside. Many asteroids feed by expelling their stomach and digesting their prey outside their body. Reproduction Asteroids may reproduce sexually or asexually. There are male and female sea stars, but they are indistinguishable from one another. These animals reproduce sexually by releasing sperm or eggs into the water, which, once fertilized, become free-swimming larvae that later settle to the ocean bottom. Asteroids reproduce asexually by regeneration. It is possible for a sea star to not only regenerate an arm but also nearly its entire body if at least a portion of the sea stars central disc remains.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Definition and Examples of Text in Language Studies
Definition and Examples of Text in Language Studies In linguistics, the term text refers to: The original words of something written, printed, or spoken, in contrast to a summary or paraphrase.A coherent stretch of language that may be regarded as an object of critical analysis. Text linguistics refers to a form of discourse analysis- a method of studying written or spoken language- that is concerned with the description and analysis of extended texts (those beyond the level of the single sentence). A text can be any example of written or spoken language, from something as complex as a book or legal document to something as simple as the body of an email or the words on the back of a cereal box. In the humanities, different fields of study concern themselves with different forms of texts. Literary theorists, for example, focus primarily on literary texts- novels, essays, stories, and poems. Legal scholars focus on legal texts such as laws, contracts, decrees, and regulations. Cultural theorists work with a wide variety of texts, including those that may not typically be the subject of studies, such as advertisements, signage, instruction manuals, and other ephemera. Text Definition Traditionally, a text is understood to be a piece of written or spoken material in its primary form (as opposed to a paraphrase or summary). A text is any stretch of language that can be understood in context. It may be as simple as 1-2 words (such as a stop sign) or as complex as a novel. Any sequence of sentences that belong together can be considered a text. Text refers to content rather than form; for example, if you were talking about the text of Don Quixote, you would be referring to the words in the book, not the physical book itself. Information related to a text, and often printed alongside it- such as an authors name, the publisher, the date of publication, etc.- is known as paratext. The idea of what constitutes a text has evolved over time. In recent years, the dynamics of technology- especially social media- have expanded the notion of the text to include symbols such as emoticons and emojis. A sociologist studying teenage communication, for example, might refer to texts that combine traditional language and graphic symbols. Texts and New Technologies The concept of the text is not a stable one. It is always changing as the technologies for publishing and disseminating texts evolve. In the past, texts were usually presented as printed matter in bound volumes such as pamphlets or books. Today, however, people are more likely to encounter texts in digital space, where the materials are becoming more fluid, according to linguists David Barton and Carmen Lee: Texts can no longer be thought of as relatively fixed and stable. They are more fluid with the changing affordances of new media. In addition, they are becoming increasingly multimodal and interactive. Links between texts are complex online, and intertextuality is common in online texts as people draw upon and play with other texts available on the web. An example of such intertextuality can be found in any popular news story. An article in The New York Times, for example, may contain embedded tweets from Twitter, links to outside articles, or links to primary sources such as press releases or other documents. With a text such as this, it is sometimes difficult to describe what exactly is part of the text and what is not. An embedded tweet, for instance, may be essential to understanding the text around it- and therefore part of the text itself- but it is also its own independent text. On social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as blogs and Wikipedia, it is common to find such relationships between texts. Text Linguistics Text linguistics is a field of study where texts are treated as communication systems. The analysis deals with stretches of language beyond the single sentence and focuses particularly on context, i.e. information that goes along with what is said and written. Context includes such things as the social relationship between two speakers or correspondents, the place where communication occurs, and non-verbal information such as body language. Linguists use this contextual information to describe the socio-cultural environment in which a text exists. Sources Barton, David, and Carmen Lee. Language Online: Investigating Digital Texts and Practices. Routledge, 2013.Carter, Ronald, and Michael McCarthy. Cambridge Grammar of English. Cambridge University Press, 2006.Ching, Marvin K. L., et al. Linguistic Perspectives on Literature. Routledge, 2015.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Performance of Contracts and Remedies for Breach Essay
Performance of Contracts and Remedies for Breach - Essay Example These include offer and acceptance, mutual agreement, consideration, competent parties, legality of purpose and proper form. People enter into contracts on a day-to-day basis for various reasons such as trading purposes (Boundy, 2010). An example of a breached contract is that of a car dealer, Mr. Richard, who imported a vehicle from Europe on behalf of Mr. McKenzie. Mr. McKenzie specifies that he wants a Mercedes E200 and pays three quarters of the total cost up front with an agreement that the remaining quarter to be paid upon delivery. However, Mr. Richard brings in a Mercedes 200E. Both parties have tried all the possible channels to settle the matter, but all is in vain. This makes them sort to seek legal action to solve the problem. At the end, the court rules in favour of Mr. Mackenzie and forces Mr. Richard to bring the contract to performance as agreed. This breaching can be analysed as below. Performance of a contract occurs when all the terms of a contract are fulfilled, a nd the contract has settled. Performance can either be complete, substantial or inferior. Complete performance occurs when the contract is discharged. As for substantial performance, the non-breached party can recover from the damages caused by the other party (Boundy, 2010). In this case, the non breaching party can have three or more options. The first one is to request the contractor to bring the contract to performance. ... Mr. Richard did not bring into performance the contract as agreed there by breeching the contract. Though he brought a Mercedes, it was not as specified in the contract (Goldman and Sigismond, 2010). Breaching of contract occurs when one party of the contract fails to meet part or all of their agreed requirements. A breach can be either actual or anticipatory. An actual breach occurs when a contractor completes the agreed contract partially or does not complete at all on the due date. An anticipatory breach occurs when one party communicates to the other well in advance that he will not fulfill his part of the contract before performing it. The non-breaching party is usually at liberty to choose one or more ways through which settlement of damages will take place. The main four types of contract breaches recognized by the law include Minor breach, Material breach, Fundamental breach, and Anticipatory breach. Damages compensate breaches caused in a contract. There are four main catego ries of damages. These are compensatory, consequential, liquidated and nominal. Compensatory damages restore the benefit of the agreement. The non-breaching party gets payment, an equivalent of what was to be paid if the contract was fully performed. This depends on the contract and the part that underwent breaching. Consequential damages occur because of external circumstances that affect the contract. Liquidated damages are reasonable amounts paid after both parties have agreed in advance before the contract is breached. In nominal damages, the breached party sues the breaching party and is paid some small amount though there is no financial loss (Goldman and
Walt Disney Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Walt Disney - Assignment Example The vision of Disney was to become the leading laboratory for media convergence and the alliance could facilitate Disney to achieve this vision by adopting the strategies which Jobs had adopted at Apple and Pixar such as boundary-busting energy and industry-shaking. Moreover, Disney is a nimble company and accepts innovative ideas however; still the company’s stock was about at the same level as it was decade ago. Therefore, alliance may influence the strategies of Disney more effective and it may help the company to make its future vision more realistic. How and to what extent is Disney’s new product planning initiatives likely to benefit from Job’s successes at Apple Computer? Jobs mentioned that he was lucky to have grown up with the industry and it actually helped to get successful at Apple and Pixar. Jobs’ successes at Apple Computer made the people to consider Jobs best at launching new products. The entrepreneurial zeal, industry knowledge, sheer ch arisma and intensity of Jobs can help Disney to pursue its new product planning initiatives more effectively. The secret weapon of Jobs to meld technical vision with a gut feel for what regular consumers want and then market in ways that make people want to be part of it, can help Disney to develop the new products which people want in digital media world.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Electrolux challenges in the appliance industry Essay
Electrolux challenges in the appliance industry - Essay Example Moreover, reducing the cost always could be an efficient way for the Electrolux’s sustainability, the company has relocated approximate 60% of its manufactures to low cost countries like China, India, and Mexico, and it also has reduced its overall energy consumption. In addition, Electrolux has focused on few issues, such as climate change, sound business practices, responsible sourcing and restructuring (Hill & Jones, 2012). Those new strategies helped Electrolux to gain more customer, saved more asset for more investment, furthermore, the strategies helped company to receive more subsidize from the government, this was a major way helped the company’s sustainability directly. The strengths of Electrolux is that it is a well-established company who has kept their head above water and have emerged a greater threat in the market due to their cost efficiency strategy. Electrolux does encounter weakness in their market, mainly currency risk due to operating in dozens of separate counties. Due to their manufacturing utilizing 20% of raw materials they face a larger manufacturing cost as well (Hill & Jones, 2012). Electrolux’s major threats are their number one competitor Whirlpool, as well as increase in labor costs due to Asian wage rises. However Electrolux does have many opportunities they can capitalize on such as becoming the leading socially responsible company in their market. Also the rise in the middle class population suggests that appliances demands should rise which leads to an increase in sales revenue (see appendix A). To measure the efficiency of Electrolux, it is noticeable that the company is not efficient due to its low operating margin. To fix this problem, Electrolux should consider the economic recession and focus more on the inelastic products such as washers and dryers. Since they are a necessity, consumer will spend money on them regardless of
Organisations Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Organisations Law - Essay Example The legal aspects of managing a farm touch on areas, namely: biodiversity, chemical, management, occupational health and safety, livestock management, soil management, waste management, water management, and animal management. In most parts of the world, the commercialization of animal products such as milk remain increasingly subjected to food safety regulations that demand approval for facilities for processing such as pasteurization plants. As consumers increasingly focused on quality and safety attributes, the regulatory frameworks have become widespread, stringent and employed more frequently and rigorously. As such, is critical that the client is aware of the present food safety legislation that affects the proposed activities (Fortin, 2009). Daily processing business translates to an enterprise or activity in which dairy products entail milk, liquid milk products; cream and thickened cream; butter, butter concentrate, buttermilk; ice-cream and ice-cream mix; cultured milk and yoghurt; casein, and cheese; whey, whey cream, and concentrated whey cream. Bella Ridge Farm will manufacture homemade cheeses, yoghurt, and cream. The distinctiveness of goat milk, yoghurt, and cheeses has contributed significantly in driving the demand for goat milk. Bella Ridge Goat Farm will be located in New South Wales region of Australia. The demand for goat’s milk products has risen, mainly driven by people suffering from allergies and lactose intolerance. The goat industry is a niche market and the planned herd of 300 goats in the farm’s 75 acres. The aim of the business is to build the flock to 700 goats. The property on which Bella Ridge Farm sits was previously a certified organic goat dairy featuring a large cheese making facility on farm. The goat dairy and cheese factory are purpose-built and less than 5 years old. Other key facilities include plant and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Protection of wages Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Protection of wages - Case Study Example Protection of Wages: The General conference of International Labour Organisation, has been convened at Geneva on 8th June 1949.As per C95- Protection of Wages Convention 1949, the employee has several protections. Some of the relevant articles are discussed here:As per Article 4, National laws or regulations, collective agreements or arbitration awards may authorise the partial payment of wages in the form of allowances in kind in industries or occupations in which payment in the form of such allowances is customary or desirable because of the nature of the industry or occupation concerned. Under this article it is stressed that the allowance is required to be appropriate for the benefit of the employee and the amount of such allowance shall be fair and justified. In case an employer is paying some allowance to the employee, which is more than the justified payment, then the employer can deduct such payment.Article 8 states that the deduction from wages by the employer is permitted o nly under the regulatory control of the national laws or as decided by the arbitration award. Workers shall be informed about the most appropriate reasons and conditions applicable for such kind of deductions. It is obvious that no employer has the authority to deduct the wages if there is no such provision made by the national regulation or by arbitration. Without informing the reasons of deductions, the employer has no authority to deduct the wages. (â€Å"Protection of Wages Convention 1949†, n.d.)The legal restrictions on the deduction of payment are as follows: ... boarding, lodging as governed by the employment standards (d) advance pay recovery or erroneous pay correction (e) any deduction, agreed by the employee, which benefits the employee. An employee can deduct the cost of tools from the wages of the employee - (a) If it is a precondition in the employment that the employee must own the special tools, then the supply of such tools by the employer, makes the deductions from wages as an appropriate measure. (b) The employee may be using the tools for job at other employers. (c) The tools may be available from other suppliers but the employee bought it from the employer. The employer cannot make any deductions towards the safety and health legislation. Any equipment, clothing required to be worn by the employee for personal safety must be supplied by the employer at its own cost. Cost of safety equipments and clothing are directly beneficial to the employer, that's why they are not deducted from the wages of employee. ("Deductions from wages", n.d.) Equal Pay: Employers must offer equal pay to men and women irrespective of gender: (a) if they are employed for similar or "like work" (b) if the job evaluation treats both kind of jobs as equivalent. (c) the value of work is recognized equal. As per the employment terms equal work shall offer equal payment irrespective of gender. An individual employee has the protection of claim under Equal Pay Act 1970 in an employment Tribunal. The employee can seek for the claim within six months after leaving the employment. ("Rights at work", n.d.) The employees are protected by the UK registered ship contracts: Under this contract or legislation, the wage of an employee is
A Thousand Years Of Good Prayers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
A Thousand Years Of Good Prayers - Essay Example He has great concerns about the welfare of life of his daughter living in a distant land as a divorcee and feels that he can contribute something tangible to lighten her burden. His intentions are good, but not to the liking of his daughter! This retired man from Beijing travels all the way to visit her in Spokane, Washington. She is working there as a librarian. He plans to stay with her till such time, he thinks, she is able find peace through her trauma. The generation gap strikes! The daughter is not much enamored with the ideas of her father. Father is hurt with the negative approach shown by his daughter for his efforts to what he considers as the reconstruction of her life. In that town, he meets an old woman who has fled from Iran to USA, after the revolution. Both of them know not much of English but human emotions score over their own languages, and rare friendship develops between the two. They find a unique unexplainable horizon of hope in life, without knowing what exactly they want from each other, except striking the nearness through each other’s trials and tribulations. The daughter, influenced by the western culture has practical ideas. She wishes to remarry and gets ready for it with a Russian man. In the end, the old woman is sent to a retirement home and the father and the daughter come to terms. The relationship between the daughter and father is normally intimate. But this story reveals why it is different, due to the cultural gap between the two. The father arrives from the rigidly governed Communist China, and the social values are shaped accordingly as per the directions of the State. The position is entirely different in USA, where personal freedom is topmost in the agenda of governance. On the one side the people live with the damaged psyche, women silently bear the desperation of lost love relationships and on the other side new experiments in love-relationships continue to happen without any restrictions from the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Protection of wages Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Protection of wages - Case Study Example Protection of Wages: The General conference of International Labour Organisation, has been convened at Geneva on 8th June 1949.As per C95- Protection of Wages Convention 1949, the employee has several protections. Some of the relevant articles are discussed here:As per Article 4, National laws or regulations, collective agreements or arbitration awards may authorise the partial payment of wages in the form of allowances in kind in industries or occupations in which payment in the form of such allowances is customary or desirable because of the nature of the industry or occupation concerned. Under this article it is stressed that the allowance is required to be appropriate for the benefit of the employee and the amount of such allowance shall be fair and justified. In case an employer is paying some allowance to the employee, which is more than the justified payment, then the employer can deduct such payment.Article 8 states that the deduction from wages by the employer is permitted o nly under the regulatory control of the national laws or as decided by the arbitration award. Workers shall be informed about the most appropriate reasons and conditions applicable for such kind of deductions. It is obvious that no employer has the authority to deduct the wages if there is no such provision made by the national regulation or by arbitration. Without informing the reasons of deductions, the employer has no authority to deduct the wages. (â€Å"Protection of Wages Convention 1949†, n.d.)The legal restrictions on the deduction of payment are as follows: ... boarding, lodging as governed by the employment standards (d) advance pay recovery or erroneous pay correction (e) any deduction, agreed by the employee, which benefits the employee. An employee can deduct the cost of tools from the wages of the employee - (a) If it is a precondition in the employment that the employee must own the special tools, then the supply of such tools by the employer, makes the deductions from wages as an appropriate measure. (b) The employee may be using the tools for job at other employers. (c) The tools may be available from other suppliers but the employee bought it from the employer. The employer cannot make any deductions towards the safety and health legislation. Any equipment, clothing required to be worn by the employee for personal safety must be supplied by the employer at its own cost. Cost of safety equipments and clothing are directly beneficial to the employer, that's why they are not deducted from the wages of employee. ("Deductions from wages", n.d.) Equal Pay: Employers must offer equal pay to men and women irrespective of gender: (a) if they are employed for similar or "like work" (b) if the job evaluation treats both kind of jobs as equivalent. (c) the value of work is recognized equal. As per the employment terms equal work shall offer equal payment irrespective of gender. An individual employee has the protection of claim under Equal Pay Act 1970 in an employment Tribunal. The employee can seek for the claim within six months after leaving the employment. ("Rights at work", n.d.) The employees are protected by the UK registered ship contracts: Under this contract or legislation, the wage of an employee is
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
U02d1 Adult Learner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
U02d1 Adult Learner - Essay Example The research title has been developed to study the meaning of ‘adults’. I have entered adulthood and I have an interest to learn about the adulthood stages of development. This assignment allows us to take a brief peek at what the future holds for us. There are several different ways of looking at the term aging. A few people tend to quantify aging in terms of numbers in terms of years. Others express aging in terms of the biological changes that an individual goes through (Stagesoflife, 2009). Another way of quantifying aging involves the social changes that occur in a person’s lives. As discussed earlier, every person goes through numerous changes and these changes in terms of biological, physical, mental, and social changes according to me form the actual meaning of ‘adulthood’ and ‘aging’ (Piccini, 2008). The study aims at gaining an answer to the question "What does adult mean?" In a case like this I would suggest the title as: â€Å"Stages of Life: A Longitudinal Study to understand Adulthood†. The main reason to choose a longitudinal study has been chosen for the research as it allows a study of the same people across the period of their life span. It also allows the researcher to study the behavioral aspects and measure the differences at every stage (Thomas K. Burdenski, 2002). I prefer to use the longitudinal research method over the cross sectional research or any other type of research, as the here I get a chance to study an individual over time and also allows me to understand why a particular thing is happening. The longitudinal study allows the researcher to touch upon various aspects of life which could have otherwise been missed out in any other form of study. Hence the study title and this choice of method are preferred for the study (Other Free Encyclopedias, 20 09). Being a part of an Adult Development course allows me to get my basics right in terms of aging and
Monday, October 14, 2019
It is important to know right from wrong Essay Example for Free
It is important to know right from wrong Essay During this essay I am going to try to prove that it is important to know right form wrong. I am also going to explain how different cultures; backgrounds and circumstances can change peoples morals on right and wrong. An example of how people morals can changes due to circumstances is war. How is war different to murder? War can be defending the country you live in from being invaded and taken over. If your countries soldiers dont shoot the invading soldiers then you would either be dead or living somewhere everything about you is considered wrong just because of you nationality. However, war can be attack where your country is the one who is invading another. But either way, does the little man have a choice? The little man has to do what his leader tells him to avoid being named a traitor or being killed by the enemy. In my opinion war isnt murder. If both sides have weapons and neither side has a choice because if they dont shoot first then theyll end up dead. Its a no win situation. However, a person who commits murder can have a choice. Murders can happen due to jealous or revenge or even pure hate of the person. But the murderer has a choice or whether or not to take someone elses life. There is an exception in my opinion of somebody who is beaten up or constantly being injured by his or her spouse. Im not saying women who get beaten up or men who do because it can happen both ways. There is a point in some people where they snap and cant take any more and their hidden anger get released and they can murder someone in a moment of losing control. This does bring up the question Is suicide murder? and one which I cant answer myself for many reasons and therefore Im unable to give my opinion on it. Some people may consider self harm to be a sickness and that even thinking about suicide is murdering yourself. If the life is yours to take who decides if you take it or not? Other people, maybe those who have considered it themselves believe it can be a way of escaping a situation rather than fighting through it and even that considering it is just bringing them to a conclusion that nobody else has reached yet. Is murder right or wrong? Murder is wrong in circumstances and can be right in others, the same for suicide. It all depends on the point of view that somebody looks at it from. There are always going to be exceptions in murder and suicide so nobody can give a clear right or wrong answer. Another example of right and wrong is the black and white version. The law is in black and white and doesnt consider exceptions in many cases. The legal age of understanding the difference between right and wrong is ten years old in the United Kingdom. No child under the age of ten can be prosecuted and even those who are older are very rarely prosecuted as the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) doesnt always agree to go ahead with the cases. Some cases do go through such as the case when Robert Thompson and Jon Venables murdered James Bulger. The CPS did agree with prosecuting them as they had taken a life and the chance of getting a conviction was realistic. The law has to be in black and white to ensure they treat everybody equally To know the difference between right and wrong you have to have substantial judgement to know when something you are doing is wrong. Growing up living in a location where burglary and violence are everyday occurrences can tilt the persons point of view on right and wrong. Circumstances can change the way their view is on different situations and the basic common sense that people have can cause the person to have different outlooks on different situations. This can cause their view of right and wrong to lead them to things they wouldnt do other wise and end up in prison for committing a crime that they didnt even know is wrong. Is it possible to unknowingly do something wrong? I believe that it is possible to do something wrong without realising it is wrong. It depends on common sense and the situation. In my opinion it is important to know the difference between right and wrong. If you dont then you can do things unknowingly that are wrong and kill somebody due to not understanding the consequences of your actions. This makes it important to know the difference and be able to judge a situation on whether its right or wrong yourself. Ethics and morals are part of everybodys opinions on whether something is right or wrong that means that your opinion has more influence on your actions and the way you treat other people than you realise. The problem with just saying it is wrong to murder or war is murder is that things arent that simple. The world isnt in black and white like the law, it is in colour and so many things and situations have an exception, which is why people have to understand the difference between right and wrong so they can be able to judge the world for themselves.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Relationship Between Lifestyle And Health Health And Social Care Essay
Relationship Between Lifestyle And Health Health And Social Care Essay Lifestyle is the way that a person lives. Therefore, lifestyle reflects our behaviour, attitude, culture and personality. In addition, lifestyle might affect peoples thoughts, work, social activity and health. It may be true that the quality of the medical service has improved in the last decade in developed countries and some developing countries; however, lifestyle patterns are a key role in improving our quality of life. This essay explains the concept of healthy lifestyle and the factors that affect our health in our environment; then, discuses some important effects of lifestyle on specific diseases on the disease preventions and progression. Lifestyle factors have a greater impact than genetic factors. Lifestyle factors might improve the genetics but not the opposite. For example, obesity caused by genetic defect gets better by changing the lifestyle patterns that include following a special diet and doing regular exercise. Healthy lifestyle achievements depend on individuals needs and the environment around them. Therefore, studies and research were done in order to recognize the optimum lifestyle for genders in all age groups. This study revealed that lifestyle modifications are important measures in both diseases preventions and treatment. Achievements of optimum lifestyles required group working. They are not only doctors responsibilities; however, parents, teachers, doctors and politicians play a role in achieving this goal. The media also have an essential role in lifestyles modifications by highlight the issues and encourage people to act properly in their lives. Foods companies have greater responsibility toward the public by producing healthy foods to build good environment for people. There are many reasons for the disparity in lifestyle patterns between the people from the same country and even in the same city. These reasons have been noted by researchers in the public health field. These differences have been discovered to be as a result of social variation, geographical area and education level. So, people who live in poverty or in low social class category have a poor chance of survival. In other words, individuals who behave healthily are more likely to be found in higher social classes. Poor people do not care about life quality rather than how they live that due to lack of resources and deficiency in services. For instance, a less nutritious diet may be chosen because of restrictions on income or in adequate food distribution in their area. Less physical activity may be undertaken because of lack of leisure facilities in low class areas or the poor salary they get to make use of them. On the other hand, some situations are the result of a much greater degree of choice. Geographical differences also have an effect on lifestyle pattern. For example, people who live in hot areas cannot maintain a healthy lifestyle especially a good range of physical activity as result of the hot climate. On the other hand, those living in very cold area have the same problems as well. Educational level variations in the whole population may cause some difficulties in following healthy lifestyle. Much research focusing on the quality of life among qualified individuals and unqualified individuals revealed that better life and living patterns are found in people with degrees and the worse living patterns with those of a low educational level. Scientists believe that there are seven essential factors in lifestyle which have huge impact or well known effect. These factors are diet, physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption, stress, weight gain and social interaction. Moreover, scientists found a close correlation between specific diseases and these lifestyle factors such as heart disease especially ischemic heart disease, stroke and diabetes. There are many diseases that have strong relationships between the pathogenesis and the lifestyle factors either in etiological factors or preventive measures or as non pharmacological treatments. For examples, diabetes may be caused by obesity or weight gain; ischemic heart disease may be caused by smoking and foods contain high fat as well as stress. In other words, different types of diseases are caused by variable lifestyle factors. Thus, eating healthy foods can prevent the occurrence of some illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, stroke and ischemic heart disease. Moreover, quitting smoking may decrease the chance of developing cancer. Lifestyle modifications are used as non-pharmacological treatments for example, salt reduction in diet is one of the measures used in treating hypertension. A study shows relation between lifestyle factors and mortality rate in individuals has cardiovascular diseases. Obesity with body mass index over 30 is three times more likely to die of cardiovascular causes than those with Body mass index less (18.5à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬24.9). One quarter of cancer deaths and one third of heart diseases deaths were attributable to smoking. Individuals who exercised more than 5.5 hour per week are approximately half as likely to die of heart disease as those who are less active. On the whole, 72 percent of cardiovascular mortality, 44 percent of cancer mortality, and 55 percent of all-cause mortality were attributable to having any of four risk factors: being overweight, smoking cigarettes, not engaging in physical activity, and having a low healthy diet intake. Lifestyles modifications have greater influences on the overall health statues of the communities. These changes may improve the diseases outcome, reduces the chance of diseases progression and control its complication. For instance, decrease dietary intakes of foods containing unsaturated fat improve already exciting heart disease. These changes also have noticeable effects on ageing related problems such as Alzheimer disease. There is a huge gap at the level of health promotions in dealing with different lifestyle factors. Tobacco control policy has been facilitated by hundreds of epidemiologic and corroborative laboratory studies over more than four decades has made a clear connection between smoking and many cancers, heart diseases and many other health problems. Unlike nutrition and physical activity, those are necessary parts of our daily life. Therefore, public health specialists act to fill the gap and promote the health of the human being by doing research and through a deep study of these issues. In conclusion, lifestyle is a manner of living that reflects individuals behaviour, attitude, thought and believes. Regardless the improvement in health services maintains healthy lifestyle is mandatory to live healthy wonderful life. Healthy lifestyles are not what we think healthy but what research addressed healthy. Many factors affect lifestyles optimizes such as people needs and cultures. Lifestyles factors have greater influence than genetic factors on the health status of the individuals. In order to achieve a healthy community the multidisciplinary approach is essential. Differences in lifestyles between people are due to their socioeconomic classes, living area and the education level. There are overwhelming evidences that show a strong relationship between the lifestyles factors and diseases risk factors and diseases treatment. Underestimations of some lifestyles factors overcome by doing deep investigation by health care providers. In fact, healthy lifestyle is the aim to get healthy life. Abdullah ALMilibary
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Importance of Going Away to College Essay -- Argumentative
The Importance of Going Away to College Imagine the senior year of high school when students are poised to enter college and become adults. It's a time of responsibility, of being on one's own, and of shaping lives by making daily decisions. One of the major decisions is where to attend college. Should a person stay close to home and attend an in-state school where people and even campuses are somewhat familiar? Or should the decision be to start a completely new chapter in one's life by attending a college farther away, with totally new challenges? I believe the answer is definitely to leave town. Of course, I can only speak from own experience to date. I thoroughly enjoyed high school and had excellent teachers who prepared me for entrance into the new world of college. My family and I discussed and received information from many schools, some of which I was totally unfamiliar with. My parents knew this was an important milestone in my life and therefore, arranged for a trip east to visit campuses and classes. That is how I chose to travel from my North Dakotan home to MIT, halfway across the nation. I had many reasons, one of which is obviously that MIT is one of the top schools in the nation, but another is that it is in the city of Boston. I am from Bismarck, North Dakota, a midwestern town of about 60,000 which I love, but I knew it was time for a new place with new experiences. So far, I am only in my first semester of college, but I love it. I have met a whole new set of friends and find that things are always happening on campus and in the city. I was homesick for about the first week, but after that I never thought about being homesick again. I had too many interesting things to do. For the first t... ...ting, a person can look at an experience from both sides. It has opened up my eyes to a new way of life. Going away to college is a great way for people to meet new friends and experience new things. Usually a setting unlike their home will help them with both of these experiences. While this may not be true for everyone, I believe everyone should try living in an area unlike his or her own. This is what develops a person intellectually and socially. It has been said that the grass is always greener on the other side. Being excited about the newness and challenges of a new place may not enable it to stay green for a lifetime, but the new place is a great place to spend the next four years. So even though I lived my whole high school life in one city where there were no actual problems, it still was time for me to move where there were new experiences.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Nee Bondha
1. ) Hope these KindNotes add sunshine to your day, and show you that you're thought of in a warm and special way! -Unknown 2. ) Let this be a short rest before you embark on your journey to greater challenges. -Unknown 3. ) Hope you'll soon be feeling fine the way you were before because things just won't be the same until you're well once more. -Unknown 4. ) With the warmest of wishes, this just comes to say hope that you're feeling much better today. -Unknown 5. ) As you rest and heal, know that you are thought of warmly and wished a quick recovery. -Unknown 6. May you find comfort in knowing many of us are caring about you and we hope good health will be restored to you soon. -Unknown 7. ) Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you during your recovery. -Unknown 8. ) We hope you get well soon because you are too special to be sick. -Unknown 9. ) Wishing that each day brings you renewed strength, brighter times, and a healthier, happier you. Get well soon. -Unknown 10. ) You are in our thoughts, and we're all hoping that you will be enjoying better health again soon. -Unknown 11. ) You have places to go, people to see, lots of fun times to be enjoyed.Get well soon. -Unknown 12. ) Whatever you find hardest to do, do with all your heart. -Unknown 13. ) Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine. 14. ) Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. -Theodore Roosevelt 15. ) Don't frown because you never know who's falling in love with your smile. -Unknown 16. ) Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. -Ralph Waldo Emerson 17. ) What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson 18. Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. 19. ) Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least. -Goethe 20. ) Hang in there. A lot of good things are co ming your way. 21. ) Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift. -Unknown 22. ) Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. -Mother Teresa 23. ) Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can read. -Mark Twain 24. ) The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. Hellen Keller 25. ) It does not matter how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get up. -Vince Lombardi 26. ) Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. -Dr. Seuss 27. ) Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. -Anthony J. D'Angelo 28. ) Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars. -Les Brown 29. ) Don't let anything slow you down; with will, anything is possible. 30. ) Don't frown because your smile is what lightens up the world. 31. ) Time is the best doctor . -Unknown
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Mca List of All Colleges and Fees Mumbai
Sr. No. | College Code | Name of the College / Institute | Date of the Meeting in which the Samiti Approved Fee Stucturr for Academic Year 2011-12 | Interim Fee Approved by the Samiti for Academic Year 2012-13 | 1| 3012| Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute(VJTI), Matunga,Mumbai| | 27000| 2| 3185| Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology, Chembur, Mumbai| 11/10/2011| 59860| 3| 3161| K.J. Somaiya Institute in Management Studies ; Research, Vidyavihar, Mumbai. | 16/09/2011| 77140| 4| 3173| Deccan Education Society's Navinchandra Mehta Institute of Technology & Development, Dadar, Mumbai (Kirti College)| 16/09/2011| 74250| 5| 3169| Late Bhausaheb Hiray S. S. Trust's Institute of Computer Application, Bandra (E), Mumbai. 16/09/2011| 70000| 6| 3215| Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan's Sardar Patel Institute of Technology , Andheri, Mumbai (Bhavans Andheri)| 13/06/2011 | 85400| 7| 3162| Bharti Vidyapeeth's Institute of Management ; Information Technology, Navi Mumbai| 11/10/2011| 815 50| 8| 3170| NCRD's Sterling Institute of Management Studies, Navi Mumbai | 4/11/2011| 56650| 9| 3146| Jawahar Education Society's Annasaheb Chudaman Patil College of Engineering,Kharghar| 4/11/2011| 62000| 10| 3168| Thakur Institute of Management Studies Career Development Research, Kandivali (E), Mumbai. 16/09/2011| 103500| 11| 3171| Audyogik Shikshan Mandal’s Institute Of Management ; Computer Studies ( IMCOST), Thane| 11/10/2011| 80130| 12| 3147| Saraswati Education Society, Yadavrao Tasagaonkar Institute of Engineering ; Technology, Karjat| 4/11/2011| 75000| 13| 3165| SIES College of Management Studies, Nerul, Navi Mumbai| 11/01/2012| 99480| 14| 3167| Mumbai Education Trust's Institute of Computer Science, Bandra (W), Mumbai. | 11/10/2011| 107525| |
My doc
Two boys who live In the same town, one being a small and often diminished boy, Owen Meany and the other Johnny Wheelwright who loses his mother early In his life. It is narrated by Johnny himself, in which he describes how Owen altered his fate in god. The whole affair begins during a little league baseball game, when Owen hits a foul ball that unfortunately strikes Johnny's Mom in the head, in turn killing her. After this event Johnny lives in different homes, however he and Owen remain good friends and together overcome many obstacles throughout their lives.Johnny tells his story to show the reader how powerful it can be to have a friend who is so inspirational and well guided, to promote his fate in god, and to show how magnificent of a person Owen Meany is. A Reason for Johnny narrating the story Is that even thought Owen kills his mother, his only link to knowing who his father Is, he still manages to remain friends with Meany. This shows how much trust and admiration Johnny ha s for Owen. Throughout the novel, Owen continues to baffle Johnny with his â€Å"God Given†knowledge.Each time Owen assists Johnny; It makes Johnny want to become closer to god as he feels his friend is blessed. For example Johnny does not wish to join the army during the Vietnam war, and Meany ensures this wont happen as he convinces Johnny that cutting of his finger will exempt him from enlisting. This is Owen watching out for his best friend. This event is connected in Johnny's reason for telling his story because if it wasn't for Owen thought of amputating his finger, he could have ended up a statistic; one of the 58 thousand dead American soldiers.Owen however showed great courage and enlisted as a usually assistance officer, were he transported dead soldiers to there families. Early on In Johnny's life Owen assures him that God will gulled him to finding out whom his father Is. Throughout Owens life he considers himself to be â€Å"Gods Instrument†, as he Is sen t messages from god such as the fact that he This strong connection with God that Owen preaches throughout his life is another reason for Johnny to share his story of growing up with Meany. Owens messages from God begin in a school play were he invasions his gravestone, as he plays a ghost.Him playing a ghost is also a hint at his foreseeable death. He believes he is destined for a heroic death. Him and Johnny begin to practice a basketball move called â€Å"The Shot†, in which Johnny lifts Owen too the hoop, and Owen dunks. This move is later used to save the lives of several young boys, and Johnny. When the two pals meet later in there lives when Owen Is on duty in Arizona guiding refugee's to living areas, a patriotic teen tries to blow up a group of refugee Vietnamese children who Johnny and Owen are escorting. The grenade lands In Owens hands.As it does, he tells Johnny that the shot was practiced for this moment and Johnny does the move and lifts Owen too a window, whil e Owen chucks the live grenade out of the window. Due to the explosion Owen is killed, however he saves the bystanders in the process. This Owens actions and that he lead him towards a heroic and mind-blowing exit. A last and final reason why Johnny tells his heart breaking story, is that before Owens funeral at there hometown of Gravesend, Johnny stops by the reverend's office to talk o him and what happens next changes Wheelwrights life forever.Owen Meany's ghost possesses the reverend, and proceeds to tell Johnny that the reverend in fact is his father. Owen also tells Johnny that the reverend prayed for the foul ball to kill his mother, and in vengeance, god has turned from the reverend. This event, shows Just how divine Owen was, but what Owens father would tell Johnny soon after would solidify everything Johnny believed. Johnny pays a visit to Mr.. Meany, and is told by him that Owen was a virgin birth, Just like Jesus Christ.It all is clear to him now, the vision of the tombs tone, the shot and now this, Owen really was a messenger of God. Johnny Wheelwright tells the magnificent story of living along side Owen Meany to reveal to you, the reader, what a blessed individual the small and dwarfed Owen Meany was. He tells his account to display how somebody can be so close and intimate with God, and how Owen truly changed his life for the better. The events that took place during Johnny's life could only have been so, if it wasn't for the God favored boy, Owen Meany.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Tescos annual report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Tescos annual report - Essay Example Customers bought over two million bags of barbecue fuel in the summer, and Christmas decoration sales were up by over 37% from the previous year. What will be interesting will be to see if this rise in non-food sales across the board will continue to grow on a year-by-year basis, or if at some point they will level off with only small incremental gains to be had. The underlying profit rose from 1832 (in 2004) to 2064 (in millions) (in 2005) and that rise is even more impressive since 2004 numbers were based on a 53 week year and 2005 was based on a 52 week year. The return on capital employed has not been 11% or higher since 2001, but in 2005 it was 11.5%. Earnings per share was also significantly higher and has been growing every year since 2001. In 2005 the earnings per share were 18.30 as compared to 10.66 in 2001. Last years earnings per share were 16.31. The increase from 16.31 to 18.30 represents an almost 17% higher earnings per share in one year. It would seem that the company's objective of focusing on superstores instead of smaller stores is working, especially in the UK. The overall number of stores in the UK dropped from 1,878 to 1,780 while the total sales area (in square feet) went from 23,291,000 to 24,207,000, which is an increase of almost 1 million square feet while closing almost 100 stores. The same scenario was taking place in the company's international markets, with one major difference. The company maintains only 554 international stores but has more square footage that than all the UK stores combined with 24,928,000 square feet. This is a significant difference. If each square foot generates the same amount of sales then international sales in the future are going to be significantly higher than UK sales, with not as much overhead or expenses. The Chairman's statement reflects the company's growth and aggressive style in an optimistic writing. He touts the fact that they have added two new non-executives to the Board, and that both were woman. He, and the company, faces shareholders and a public that are more discerning and political than ever before and has to manipulate the opinions held by those masses to maintain the edge developed over the company's competitors. By adding two women to the Board the company portrays its willingness to facilitate gender equity. The Chairman also touts how much the shareholders benefit from an investment in the company.The Chairman, and the Board, would certainly not wish to see a downswing in investor sentiment, with the resulting sales of shares that would lower the share prices, so he would present even bad news in a way that would seem positive, not that he would have had to with the numbers that Tesco has been generating. The numbers regarding cash flow are also strong. Net cash flow rose from 2,942 to 3,004 from 2004 to 2005 and the stronger number is reflected throughout the entire cash flow analysis. The cash inflow went from a negative (137) to a positive 259 (in millions). The company spent almost the same amount in 2005 as they did in 2004 to acquire tangible fixed assets. The company had less of a decrease in net debt than the year before, but it was still a substantial increase dropping from 4,090 to 3,842. That is a significant decrease in debt. As for the contributions made from each sector, as
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Media News Versus You Tube Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Media News Versus You Tube - Essay Example The images posted on this site by the soldiers have made most Americans believe that the war on Iraq was not worth the loss of US lives. They need a full picture of Iraq to see what the gain is for that loss of life but the restrictions on media coverage do not allow this. The news media has been around for a very long time whereas, YouTube, the popular free video hosting website founded in February 2005, began its humble beginnings in a garage and offered the public a preview of the site in May 2005. And just six months later, YouTube made its official debut. Although this is an extremely large and popular site, it has met with much criticism. Videos filmed by amateur first gained popularity during the terrorist attacks on London subways and buses last summer, when traditional news organizations as well as informal websites utilized the photos and images supplied by witnesses. Now it is estimated that 100 million clips are viewed on YouTube daily and 65,000 videos uploaded every 24 hours. According to Nielsen/Netratings, the site has almost 20 million visitors each month, out of which around 44% are female, 56% male, while the most dominant age group is 12-17. Websites like YouTube, true to its motto, "broadcast yourself" allows people referring to them as "citizen journalists" to upload their own videos on an infinite array of subjects and has enabled anyone with a video camera or cell phone, live action films or written reports on news events. In relation to the Iraq war, the streamline media gives optimism to the viewers and shows the brighter side of the war, while the stories told by American soldiers in their homemade videos uploaded on this website, present a different picture. Beyond the philosophical dimensions of the global television communications, it is a close-up medium which readily involves emotions and is most effective in revealing the plights of the people. But troops who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan are hearing the message that they should carefully consider before they upload any videos on the website. As opposed to controlled media, YouTube has given access to the citizen journalists to provide first hand accounts of major events even though they are less journalism than the raw material generated by amateurs, which a skilled and trained journalist should know how to weigh, analyze, describe and explain. Therefore, one cannot deny the fact that to treat an amateur as equally credible as a professional, would be to erode the line between raw material and finished product. Many people believe that editorial gate keeping is a form of censorship if not mind control, and the explosion of the internet; giving the notion that 'information wants to be free' has made traditional journalism a ready target. To its proponents, citizen journalism represents a democratization of media and a shattering power of the unelected elite as it not only challenges the notion of journalism in journalism, but completely circumvents it. But there are people who are of the view that however wrapped in idealism, citizen journalism forms part of a larger attempt to degrade, even to disenfranchise journalism as practiced by trained professionals. However, there is no question that the soldier behind the
Monday, October 7, 2019
Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3
Discussion - Essay Example These gases in the atmosphere provide an invisible blanket around the earth and help keep the planet warm enough. Global warming occurs because of the greenhouse effect, or when the gases like carbon dioxide increase resulting in more energy trapped and re-emitted back to the earth. This paper will attempt to describe in more detail the global warming phenomenon. Global warming was a term that was first used in 1975 by American scientist Wallace Smith Broecker who discovered that the climate of the earth is warming consistently due to various human activities. In a magazine, he published a paper entitled Are We on the Brink of a Pronounced Global Warming which was where he first coined the term. In 1979, the term was used again to depict the physical phenomenon that is heating up the planet. The article with the title The Charney Report was published by the National Academy of Science. (Yukozimo, 2014) The phenomenon of global warming can be further understood by taking a look at the earth’s ozone layer. The ozone layer is a region of dense gases in the stratosphere of the earth that is capable of blocking most of the harmful solar ultraviolet radiations. More than ninety percent of the ozone is present in the stratosphere of earth. It has a higher concentration of ozone as compared to the earth’s surface. Unfortunately, this important part of our atmosphere is slowly becoming more and more fragile and both nature and man can be held responsible. Manmade chemicals like halocarbons, CFCs, HCFCs, freon and halon contribute largely to the depletion of the ozone layer. Due to the increasing concentration of the refrigerants, solvents and propellants in the atmosphere, the ozone layer is under depletion of the rate of four percent per decade. As the ozone layer becomes thinner and thinner, ultraviolet light penetrates through
Saturday, October 5, 2019
An Exploration of Childhood Obesity and Child Protection Essay
An Exploration of Childhood Obesity and Child Protection - Essay Example G. N. G. T. H. E., 2006) As per the medical experts, it had been proven that the hazard of being prone to severe health problems soars in accordance with the extra heaviness a person gains. Being obese as a child might also origin â€Å"psychological distress.†Teasing (which is normal) about the look impacts a childs self-confidence and sense of worth and generally escorts to loneliness and hopelessness. The figure of children suffering from obesity in the UK has ascended gradually over the past 20 years. In United Kingdom, currently the obesity epidemic is considered a foremost health concern. (NOËL CAMERON, N. G. N. G. T. H. E., 2006) Childhood Obesity is a severe physical condition. It is defined as carrying too much body fat for your height and sex. A person is considered obese if they have a body mass index or BMI (weight in kilograms divided by the square of their height in meters) of 30 or greater. Obesity is a risk factor for several chronic biological ailments. As studied earlier, obese children often turn into unhealthy, obese adults. Thus, most of these ailments manifest themselves during adulthood. One of the most hazardous consequences of obesity is type 2 diabetes. (KORBONITS, M., 2008) A study conducted by the National Audit Office (NAO) estimates that obesity directly caused more than 250,000 cases of type 2 diabetes in England in 1998. But what is truly alarming is the emergence of type 2 diabetes among schoolchildren. Another major health implication is the prevalence of coronary heart diseases and hypertension among obese people. ( The coronary heart disease is the leading cause of premature death among obese people. NAO had recorded that obesity caused some 28,000 heart attacks and approximately 750,000 cases of hypertension in England in the year 1998 alone. ( Excessive body
Friday, October 4, 2019
Archeology Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Archeology Research Paper - Essay Example Gertrude Bell was a prominent explorer and traveller and became one of the first mountain or rock climbers of her time (Morell 3). Bell went to Jerusalem to study Arabic, and developed an obsession for archaeology in her travels there. Kathleen Kenyon, on the other hand, was one of the most celebrated female archaeologists of the 20th century and is well-known for her cautious excavation of the earliest city of Jericho. Kenyon was full of learning, a careful and precise recorder and wrote well (Morell 3). The Leakey family finally, made of Louis, Richard and Mary, was a family of archaeologists, as well as anthropologists (Morell 3). This family is considered to have made the main strides in people’s understanding and interpretation of the development of man, or otherwise early man, in Africa (Morell 4). They all resided in Kenya where they carried out their archaeological roles. For this reason, this paper has picked Louis Leakey as its subject and will discuss his contributi ons to the field of archaeology. Louis Seymour Leakey lived from 7th August, 1903 to 1st October, 1972. He was an English archaeologist and paleoanthropologist whose career was significant in creating human evolutionary growth, in Africa, especially through his findings in Olduvai Gorge (Bowman 15). Leakey also played a vital role in developing firms for future study in Africa, as well as for advocating for wildlife protection in Africa (Bowman 15). Having been the main mover in developing a custom of palaeoanthropological inquiry, Leakey motivated the following generation to carry on with it, particularly in his own family, most of whom became famous, as well. He took part in nationwide activities of British East Africa in addition to Kenya in the 50s. In the Philosophy of Nature, Leakey affirmed Darwins evolution theory solidly and set about to establish
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Combustion of a series of Alcohols Essay Example for Free
Combustion of a series of Alcohols Essay The larger the surface area over which the reaction can occur, and the faster the reaction rate. This is because small particles have a large surface area in relation to their volume more particles are exposed and available for collision this means more collisions take place so the reaction is faster. Oppositely large particles have small surface area in relation to their volume fewer particles are exposed and available for collisions. This means less collisions and a slower reaction. To ensure that my test will be fair I have to keep all these factors the same except for one, the concentration. I will have to control the temperature of the room; the particle size will be same as I will shake the substance so it will be equally diffused. Hypothesis I predict that the higher the concentration of hydrochloric acid the faster the reaction occurs. The lower the concentration the slower the reaction is. Supporting information I base this hypothesis on the collision theory as I know that concentration affects the reaction greatly. This is because when there is a higher concentration the particles are closely packed together and there are more successful collisions occurring, thus making the reaction happen quicker. Preliminary For my preliminary I have used various concentrations of hydrochloric acid and 4cm of magnesium ribbon. The concentrations that I decided to experiment was he reason why I am doing a preliminary experiment is so that I know which concentrations of hydrochloric acid to use that would make my experiment more convenient. For the actual preliminary experiment I reacted hydrochloric acid with magnesium ribbon to see how long it took. I did this by watching when the magnesium ribbon had stopped reacting and disappeared. Although I was just using this method to find out how long a particular concentration took to finish reacting I attached a glass syringe to my conical flask to observe how much hydrogen was being produced, so that I could be prepared when it came to doing my actual experiment. The table below shows the amount of hydrochloric acid and water I used for a certain percent and the time taken for the magnesium ribbon to fully stop reacting. Volume of HCL (ml) Volume of H2O % of concentration Time taken for the mg ribbon to disappear (in seconds). From looking at the information from my preliminary I have decided to use the following concentrations for my actual experiment: 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%. The reason why I have decided to use these percentages of concentrations is because even though it shows a variety it will not be as time consuming as 10% concentration of hydrochloric acid took 1205 seconds which was approximately 20 minutes. 10% concentration took so long that I didnt have enough time, there for I left it anonymous. I also realised that even though I experiment 20% of hydrochloric acid it will still take long, there for I decided to lower the amount of magnesium ribbon so I decided to use 3. 5cm instead of 4cm. From doing my preliminary I have decided to repeat my experiment 3 times because this will give me a more reliable results to choose from and an average. This also will be less time consuming then repeating it 5 times. The preliminary experiment also helped my produce a better plan because I learnt that for 100% of concentration the reaction takes place quite quickly there for watching the stop watch had to be done very quickly but correctly. Plan: The apparatus that I will be needing for experiment and why: 3. 5cm of magnesium ribbons to react with HCL Stop watch to measure how long it took for the magnesium ribbon to stop reacting. Hydrochloric acid (1m) to react with the magnesium ribbon Measuring cylinder to measure the concentration of H20 and HCL Pipette to measure smaller concentrations of H20 and HCL Retort stand to hold the syringe Conical flast for the reaction Thermometer to measure room temperature Syringe to measure the volume of hydrogen produced Ruler to measure 3. 5cm of magnesium ribbon Scissors to cut the magnesium ribbon Distilled water to add with the concentrations of HCL Sand paper to sand the magnesium ribbon 1. I will firstly collect all the equipment needed for my experiment, then measure them to the exact measurement. I will start with 100% concentration of hydrochloric acid which will contain no distilled water and 10ml concentration. I will then measure my magnesium ribbon to 3. 5cm and sand it 8 times on each side making sure it is fair. Using the measuring cylinder and pipette I will put my hydrochloric acid into the conical flask. 2. To ensure that the magnesium ribbon doesnt get stuck I will coil the magnesium ribbon with a clean sterilised ruler. 3. I will then attach the syringe onto the retort stand. Then I will attach my conical flask with the syringe. 4. Because I want this test to be fair I cannot do it on my own so my partner will start the stopwatch as soon as I drop the magnesium ribbon into the hydrochloric acid. Then I will seal the conical flask with the cork. 5. Every 10 seconds my partner will tell my the time on the stop watch and then I will look at the syringe to see what the volume of gas produced is. I will note this down very quickly. 6. After the reaction has fully stopped. I will empty the conical flask, then start the same process again but for 80% concentration which is 8ml of hydrochloric acid and 2ml of distilled water. This process will happen for all 5 concentrations. 7. After experimenting all 5 concentrations I will repeat the same process 3 times to ensure my results are fair and reliable. Keeping my experiment fair: making sure all equipment is clean from unwanted substances. sanding the magnesium ribbon same times on each side. hile my partner starts stop watch, I quickly drop magnesium ribbon so it is done at the same time. Use the same length of magnesium ribbon, checking it is exactly 3. 5cm. Safety issues:aking sure I wear my goggles at all times. Tying hair up. Tuck in stalls, and stand up during experiment. Making sure I handle all the equipment correctly. If there is any spillage, quickly wiping it with paper towels. Obtaining evidence: 100% Time (sec) Volume 1 Volume 2 volume 3 Average 1.To find my average number of hydrogen produced I added the 3 volumes together then divided by 3. The answer most close I decided was my average. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section.
Los Procesos QuÃÂmicos Del Cuerpo
Los Procesos Quà micos Del Cuerpo Casandra Hernà ¡ndez Introduccià ³n A travà ©s de este trabajo la investigadora realizà ³ una revisià ³n de literatura relacionada a los procesos quà micos que ocurren en el cuerpo humano. Se comienza definiendo conceptos esenciales para comprender los procesos quà micos. Segà ºn Aguilar (2012) el cuerpo de los seres humanos es un sistema que està ¡ compuesto por cà ©lulas las cuales forman los tejidos. Mediante las cà ©lulas el cuerpo humano lleva a cabo las funciones vitales para vivir. El cuerpo del ser humano tiene procesos que son bà ¡sicos y que producen subsistemas esenciales donde un grupo de à ³rganos coordinados realizan las funciones esenciales del ser humano. El cuerpo humano tiene once sistemas que agrupan los à ³rganos esenciales para que funcione el cuerpo adecuadamente. Sistemas del cuerpo humano Estos sistemas son los siguientes: El sistema muscular que es el conjunto de mà ºsculos que tienen la responsabilidad de los cambios corporales, postura y locomocià ³n. El sistema à ³seo que es el conjunto de huesos que forman el esqueleto y protegen a los à ³rganos internos como el crà ¡neo y la columna vertebral. El sistema respiratorio que incluye a las fosas nasales, la faringe, la laringe y los pulmones que realizan el intercambio gaseoso. El sistema digestivo incluye la boca, el hà gado, el està ³mago, los intestinos y otros à ³rganos. Se encarga de realizar la degradacià ³n de los alimentos a nutrientes que luego asimila el cuerpo y utiliza en las actividades que realiza el organismo. El sistema excretor està ¡ compuesto por los rià ±ones y sus conductos los cuales funcionan para extraer los desechos metabà ³licos, osmorregulacià ³n y la homeostasis para mantener el equilibrio quà mico del cuerpo. El sistema circulatorio incluye el corazà ³n, vasos sanguà neos y cà ©lulas sanguà neas. El mismo sirve para llevar los alimentos y el oxà geno a las cà ©lulas. Ademà ¡s, recoge los desechos metabà ³licos que se elimina a travà ©s de los rià ±ones, en la orina y por el aire que se exhala por los pulmones. El sistema endocrino contiene las glà ¡ndulas productoras de hormonas que intervienen en la regulacià ³n del crecimiento, metabolismo y los procesos de la reproduccià ³n. El sistema nervioso està ¡ constituido por el cerebro, ganglios, nervios, à ³rganos de los sentidos para detectar, analizar los està mulos y crear las respuestas apropiadas. El aparato reproductor està ¡ compuesto por testà culos y ovarios para llevar a cabo el proceso de reproduccià ³n de los seres humanos. El sistema linfà ¡tico contiene los capilares circulatorios en los que se recoge y transporta el là quido de los tejidos. Ademà ¡s, transporta por el torrente sanguà neo los là pidos digeridos que vienen del intestino para eliminar y destruir las sustancias tà ³xicas. El mismo ayuda a que no se difundan las enfermedades a travà ©s del cuerpo. El sistema inmunolà ³gico està ¡ constituido por diferentes à ³rganos que està ¡n a travà ©s de los tejidos del cuerpo. Este sistema reconoce las estructuras y su principal propà ³sito es preservar su identidad. Està ¡ constituido por linfocitos y por anticuerpos. Se indica que el cuerpo humano es un mecanismo que se basa en los componentes quà micos para mantener un equilibrio en el mismo. El estado de equilibrio se le llama homeostasis. Cuando una o mà ¡s sustancias quà micas caen fuera de equilibrio por una disminucià ³n o aumento de los niveles, provoca que los sistemas del cuerpo humano trabajen de forma menos eficiente. Estos desequilibrios quà micos pueden suceder por un sinnà ºmero de razones logrando afectar el cuerpo de diversas formas (Melton, s.f.). La serotonina Segà ºn Melton (s.f.) la serotonina es un neurotransmisor que està ¡ en el cerebro. Cuando la serotonina se encuentra en niveles normales la persona tendrà ¡ una variedad de emociones y funcionarà ¡ eficientemente. Sin embargo, cuando los niveles de serotonina comienzan a disminuir por los cambios quà micos del cuerpo es por interaccià ³n farmacolà ³gica o por una enfermedad, que puede lograr que la personalidad del individuo cambie como: llegar a la depresià ³n y que aparezca el trastorno bipolar. De otra parte, cuando disminuyen los niveles de serotonina puede causar fatiga crà ³nica, trastornos del sueà ±o y cambios en el apetito. La insulina Tambià ©n, Melton indica que la insulina es una hormona que la produce el pà ¡ncreas y permite que la glucosa entre en las cà ©lulas del cuerpo. Cuando la misma se encuentra en niveles normales, se produce insulina suficiente y à ©sta es usada por el cuerpo para que la glucosa sea absorbida por las cà ©lulas del cuerpo para la obtencià ³n de energà a. Cuando los niveles de insulina comienzan a disminuir, se puede llegar a padecer de diabetes. La diabetes tipo 1 surge cuando el sistema inmunolà ³gico del cuerpo humano se vuelve en contra y a su vez destruye las cà ©lulas del pà ¡ncreas las cuales producen insulina. La diabetes tipo 2 ocurre cuando se producen las cà ©lulas que son resistentes a la insulina. Esto ocurre cuando las cà ©lulas no permiten a la insulina abrir las và as para que la glucosa penetre. El pà ¡ncreas produce una cantidad mayor de insulina cuando aumentan los niveles de glucosa en la sangre, pero las cà ©lulas no son receptivas y los niveles de g lucosa continà ºan en aumento. Desequilibrios hormonales pituitarios La glà ¡ndula pituitaria es una glà ¡ndula pequeà ±a que se encuentra en la base del cerebro. Esta glà ¡ndula produce hormonas que regulan la presià ³n sanguà nea, el crecimiento y algunos aspectos del sistema reproductivo. En algunas ocasiones ocurre el hipopituitarismo por el resultado de la disminucià ³n de los niveles de hormonas de la pituitaria. Cuando esto ocurre, puede causar trastornos en las funciones normales del cuerpo tales como la presià ³n arterial y la frecuencia cardà aca (Melton, s.f.). Cuando existe exceso de produccià ³n de hormonas hipofisarias, provoca una enfermedad llamada acromegalia. La misma puede causar la produccià ³n anormal de la hormona del crecimiento. Esta enfermedad se caracteriza porque algunas à ¡reas del cuerpo se vuelven mà ¡s grandes y fuera de proporcià ³n con el resto del cuerpo. Es un tipo de crecimiento excesivo que se da en las manos, pies y cara. Este crecimiento anormal surge en la edad madura despuà ©s que el proceso de crecimiento se ha parado. Si en la adolescencia se presenta gran cantidad de la hormona del crecimiento, se puede producir gigantismo (Melton, s.f.). Desequilibrios metabà ³licos Segà ºn Botanical Online (2015) el metabolismo permite funcionar, crecer y desarrollarse y realizar todas las funciones del organismo. Los alimentos producen la energà a mediante los nutrientes. El metabolismo tiene dos fases: Anabolismo: Tiene la funcià ³n de crear nuevas cà ©lulas, mantener los tejidos del cuerpo y crear reservas. Este tipo de proceso se conoce como metabolismo constructivo, asà se forman los tejidos, los mà ºsculos o los nervios. Cuando ocurre esta fase el cuerpo gasta energà a. Catabolismo: Tiene la funcià ³n de descomponer los tejidos corporales y las sustancias de reserva para producir energà a. Se utiliza para obtener la energà a que el cuerpo necesita. Permite los procesos anabà ³licos como generar calor para mantener la temperatura corporal adecuada o proporcionar energà a que permite dar fuerza a los mà ºsculos. El metabolismo del individuo se relaciona con el peso, el apetito y los niveles de energà a del cuerpo. Cuando la glà ¡ndula tiroides no està ¡ activa puede causar enfermedades cardà acas, la fatiga y la obesidad. Cuando la tiroides produce demasiada hormona puede provocar que sea difà cil que una persona mantenga su peso saludable. Los trastornos en las glà ¡ndulas suprarrenales pueden producir cortisol en cantidad excesiva y causar que una persona gane peso en el à ¡rea del abdomen, esto se llama sà ndrome de Cushing. Tambià ©n, ocurren otros trastornos que logran niveles de cortisol mà ¡s bajos que los normales. El cortisol ayuda a mantener la presià ³n arterial, la glucosa en sangre y los niveles de energà a normales (Melton, s.f.). Principales procesos metabà ³licos Entre los principales proceso metabà ³licos se encuentran: la digestià ³n, que mediante los alimentos permite los procesos de creacià ³n de nuevos tejidos y el almacenamiento de las sustancias de reserva en forma de grasa corporal; la circulacià ³n de la sangre, en los cuales los nutrientes son trasportados por la sangre hasta el hà gado y las cà ©lulas del hà gado metabolizan cada sustancia para producir energà a. La eliminacià ³n de los productos de desecho mediante la defecacià ³n se elimina los residuos de la digestià ³n. La regulacià ³n de la temperatura corporal es la energà a producida por el proceso catabà ³lico genera calor que mantiene la temperatura corporal. Tambià ©n, existen otros mecanismos internos puede disminuir la temperatura corporal como el aumento del sudor o la dilatacià ³n de los vasos sanguà neos (Botanical Online, 2015). Desequilibrios del sistema reproductivo Segà ºn Melton (s.f.) los desequilibrios quà micos producidos en el sistema reproductivo pueden causar infertilidad y bajar el deseo sexual en ambos sexos. Cuando los niveles de estrà ³geno y testosterona està ¡n bajos, afecta el rendimiento sexual y la fertilidad. Los altos niveles de testosterona en los hombres pueden provocar un exceso de masa muscular. De otra parte, las mujeres con niveles altos de testosterona pueden experimentar calvicie de patrà ³n masculino y el crecimiento excesivo del pelo en la cara y el pecho. Otras mujeres pueden experimentar que su voz sea mà ¡s grave y llegar a ser mà ¡s masculino. Sin embargo, cuando los niveles de estrà ³geno son bajos en las mujeres tienen problemas con la menstruacià ³n, problemas para embarazarse y llevar el embarazo a tà ©rmino. Cuando las cantidades de estrà ³geno son excesivas, esto puede provocar cà ¡ncer de seno y otros tipos de cà ¡ncer en la mujer. Conclusià ³n El cuerpo humano està ¡ compuesto por una serie de sistemas que realizan cambios quà micos continuamente. Para que exista un balance, es necesario que todos los procesos està ©n sincronizados y no sufran ningà ºn desorden, ya que si existe alguno se afecta la salud de la persona. Es necesario que las cà ©lulas el cuerpo humano lleva a cabo las funciones vitales para el organismo pueda vivir adecuadamente. El cuerpo del ser humano tiene procesos que son bà ¡sicos y que producen subsistemas esenciales donde un grupo de à ³rganos coordinados realizan las funciones esenciales del mismo. Là ¡minas de los procesos quà micos del cuerpo REFERENCIAS Aguilar, J. E. (2011). Los sistemas fundamentales del cuerpo humano. Mà ©xico: Asociacià ³n Oaxaqueà ±a de Psicologà a, A. C. Botanical Online (2015). Metabolismo corporal. Recuperado de Melton, W. (s.f.).  ¿Cà ³mo un desequilibrio quà mico afecta tu cuerpo? Recuperado de
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