Friday, December 27, 2019
Evaluation Of The Burke Litwin Modification Model
Diagnosis of Change Sarath Mulleti DeVry University Feb-06-2015. Change Diagnostic Model The Burke-Litwin modification model strives to usher in modification within the performance of a team or a corporation by establishing links between performance and also the internal and external factors that have an effect on performance. This modification this alteration this modification this variation this transformation} model relies on assessing the structure furthermore as environmental factors which may be tweaked therefore on guarantee an eminent change. The Burke-Litwin modification model begins with outlining a framework, comprising the moving factors which may be manipulated to ensure a power tool transition from one section of the modification method to a different. The foremost essential facet here is establishing the links between the twelve dimensions of this transformation framework. (Ginny Edwards, Sidharth Thakur, 6/7/2013). Identifying the Drivers of Change: †¢ External Environment: The main external elements need to be observed and established in and around the organization which will affect the organization. †¢ Mission and Strategy: The view and work plan of the management of the company should be tested in the perspective of average employee and need to be correct if any corrections needed. †¢ Leadership: The Main head of the organization should always shares their leadership structure and plan which need to be implemented. †¢ OrganizationalShow MoreRelatedAn Organizational Change at the MRI Department of the Al Amiri Hospital1535 Words  | 6 Pagesas to make this department an efficient one. Literature Review Every organization and company has to keep up with the modifications that are taking place in their environment so that they are able to provide the best of the products and facilities to the customers and so that they can remain in the competition with the competitors in the field. The environmental modifications that compel the organizations to change include the enhancement of competitors and the changes in the demand of the customers
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Medical And Ethical Benefits Of Euthanasia - 2038 Words
Euthanasia aka Assisted Suicide is a process of helping a patient end his or her life in peace to ultimately escape the adverse effects of a terminal disease. Euthanasia has been in human civilization for many years dating as far back as 5th century B.C. In the early 1930’s Euthanasia became a decided controversial topic when organizations formed on both sides of the topic. Being one of the most controversial ideas in our day, it is still a question of morals and ethics and might never be decided on. While some believe Euthanasia should not be practiced, due to psychological, medical and ethical benefits Euthanasia can be a very useful tool in a patient’s well- being. One ethical benefit of Euthanasia would be that patients and families would be without suffering. For example, in his article â€Å"Euthanasia Helps Avoid Unnecessary Pain and Suffering†â€Å"Do we really want to erode as our loved ones watch us and while financial resources are wasted for a few e xtra days of life?†(Bommarito, 2012, para 2).The patient hooked up to a machine is something very hard to watch. Suffering through their own demise, nothing to ease the pain but the constant input of expensive medication. The patient suffers and the family takes on its own weight. Euthanasia prevents the draining of money in hospital bills and allotted prescriptions, and puts the patient out of the situation they are in and promotes well-being for both parties. Furthermore, as the article titled, â€Å"Euthanasia Helps AvoidShow MoreRelatedEuthanasi The Death With Dignity Act1312 Words  | 6 Pages Euthanasia remains highly controversial in the U.S. because even a state such as Oregon which upholds the Death with Dignity Act â€Å"passed by a margin of 51% to 49% as stated by the Oregon Health Authority. Thus, even though Niles suggested that Oregon supports euthanasia, the Death with Dignity Act seemingly remains controversial because almost half of the population in O regon is against Euthanasia, and there are stakeholders who still challenge its implementation. 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Medicine provides hope that in the event of an â€Å"accident†we can be sure everything will be done to preserve our life, and that the healthcare community will exhaust all possibilities and resources in trying to accomplish this goal. Healthcare also give the reassurance of palliative care to ensure the remaining time on Earth is a painless as possible. However, there are those moments whenRead MoreEuthanasi Terminally Ill Patient1321 Words  | 6 Pagesact of euthanasia upon terminally ill patient. According to Oxford Dictionary, euthanasia means the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma and according to Euthanasia (2014), it is defined as the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit. There are many kinds of euthanasia including voluntary, non-voluntary, i nvoluntary, assisted suicide, euthanasia by action, and euthanasia by omissionRead MoreThe Loss Of Ethical Values1555 Words  | 7 PagesDr. Jack Kevorkian: The Loss of Ethical Values in Medical Practice The concepts of physician aid-in dying (PAD) and euthanasia are becoming more widespread in the medical field given the technology and resources available. It is important to differentiate between the two because the first has received a lot of support while the latter is illegal and seen as unethical. PAD refers to when a physician provides a competent, terminally ill patient with a prescription for a lethal dose of medication, uponRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemma Of Euthanasia1085 Words  | 5 PagesBenchmark Assignment: Ethical Dilemmas Euthanasia is most commonly known when used to put down an animal. What about using euthanasia on humans that wish to end their life due to medical reasons? According to Merriam-Webster’s online Dictionary, euthanasia is â€Å"the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy†(n.d.). This practice is also known as assisted suicide. InRead MoreCritical Reflection : The Euthanasia Debate1652 Words  | 7 PagesReflection: The Euthanasia Debate Medical advancements and improved living conditions worldwide have increased the life span of our population (U.S. Department of State, 2015). As a result, many individuals are now living with degenerative or chronic ailments that require increased support (Vissers et al., 2013). Unfortunately, these illnesses often come with a â€Å"diminished quality of life†(Butler, Tiedemann, Nicol, Valiquet, 2013). These issues have brought forth the euthanasia debate, which posesRead MoreEuthanasia Is Not Appropriate Means Of Death861 Words  | 4 PagesEuthanasia or physician assisted dying is not appropriate means of death Euthanasia is the intentional killing by act or omission of treatment to a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit. Euthanasia, can be voluntary (the patient requests it), involuntary (the patient is not mentally or emotionally capable of making the decision) and non-voluntary (the patient is in a coma or otherwise incapable of expressing his/her wishes). The key difference between euthanasia and physician
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Chernobyl Disaster free essay sample
Today, I am going to discuss about the biggest nuclear disaster that happened in the Worlds History. It’s called as Chernobyl disaster. This Disaster happened in Ukraine which was part of Soviet Union by then. It happened at the Chernobyl site between Pripyat and Chernobyl. The reason of this disaster is mainly human negligence and lack of knowledge. 25 April 1986 It was a beautiful Friday night with cool breeze blowing with a slight humidity. People were in their homes sleeping. But nobody knew that this day would be a dangerous day in the world’s history. At 1:23 in the midnight of Saturday people woke up with two blast noises. Some came out from their houses while other saw from the window what had happened. People thought that it was a common fire and then went to sleep. The next day was a common day for people. They like usual woke up took a breakfast and went to their jobs. But after 2 or 3 hours later people started reporting problems like headache, metal tastes in their mouth and sensation of needles and pins all over their faces. Now I want to tell you what had actually happened. The government of Soviet Union wanted to perform an experiment in the reactor 4 of Chernobyl plant which was to be shut down because of maintenance. The Soviets RBMKs reactor had a problem in them. The problem was that in the state of emergency Shutdown they lacked cooling water for 75 seconds which risked an explosion in the nuclear core. The experiment was to supply electricity to the cooling pumps even in the shutdown state. The government wanted to minimize the risk and for this purpose they had chosen the reactor 4. Alexsandr Akimov the night shift in charge was responsible for this test. He was not so competent and hadn’t been trained for this kind of experiment. He was always in a hurry from his childhood. So, he was not the right man for this experiment. The experiment was to start in the day shift of workers when electrical engineers and other nuclear experts would be present but for a certain reason it was delayed until 12’o clock at night. This was the time when evening shift was going and night shift was coming. Alexsandr should’ve waited for the next shift but he didn’t bother about it and started this experiment. The reactors normal capacity was 3200 MW. In the experiment it was to be lowered to 700 MW. They started to decrease its power for this experiment but because of his Akimov’s nature he did it in a hurry and by a mistake power dropped to 30 MW. It was too low and risked the shutdown of reactor. Anatoly Dyatlov, the deputy chief engineer, supervised the test. At the moment reactor power slipped to 30 MW thermal, he insisted the operators continue the test. He overrode Akimovs and Toptunovs (senior engineer) objections, threatening to hand the shift to Tregub (the previous shift operator who had remained on-site), intimidating them into attempting to increase the reactor power. At 1. 00 clocks in the midnight of Saturday the power stabilized at 200 MW. They wanted to increase the power to 700 MW but failed so they continued with the experiment which was to be performed with 700 MW of power. Because of the low power the conditions of the reactor totally changed and didn’t match the conditions of the experiment any longer. All of the sudden the safety alarms turned on but they were ignored and many of them were disconnected so the main computer SKALA had no control any longer. All control was shifted to the operators. After 10 minutes the operators also lost the control over the experiment and the power increased to 33,000 MW which was 10 times higher than the capacity of the reactor. Now the first steam formed inside exploded and approx. 1000 ton metal plate on which the reactor assembly was fastened exploded. This was the first explosion that many heard. The explosion flipped this 1000 ton plate. After 3 seconds another heavy blast from the nuclear core itself happened and this was more devastating than the first one. The World’s worst nuclear disaster had happened. This second explosion released massive amount of radiation into air and threw radioactive material all over the place which started radioactive fire. The Chernobyl site consisted of 4 reactors. 1, 2 and 3, 4. This radioactive fire also started a fire at reactor 3. This radioactive fire could result in another blast in reactor 3 and therefore it had to be controlled. Firefighters controlled this fir at 2. 10 and thus the blast was avoided but many firefighters were affected by radiations. At 6:10 in the morning almost all fires were extinguished but 237 people got radiations and died in a short period. However the fire inside the reactor nuclear core kept burning until 10 May even after throwing sand and Boron on it. I want to tell you every little detail of the disaster since I have lack of time so Now I will come to my actual point that is What happened after this disaster and what effects did it have and is having on our society. People were going to their work but some people like I said felt pain and reported to hospital just before they died. It was Valery legasov a nuclear expert who understood the gravity of the situation of radioactive rays and commenced immediate evacuation. This immediate evacuation took place on 27th April at 2:00 clock in the noon from pripyat and Chernobyl. Approx. 150,000 people immediately evacuated and left their precious belongings in their homes. The people were said to bring only very precious things as they were to return to their homes after max 3 days. People didn’t take their all belongings and these were left behind permanently because of the dangerous amount of radiation. This was because of the wrong estimation of experts. They thought that by building a sarcophagus (a containment structure outside Chernobyl) they could prevent the further release of radioactivity and thus people could come back home safely. But they were wrong. Even after building sarcophagus the radioactive rays were enough to kill people and therefore it was not allowed to come back. However the Sarcophagus blocked most of radiation from coming out and prevent the escape of radioactive lava into ground. If it had escaped then there would be highly contaminated water and soil in that area. So, now it’s just inside the sarcophagus and isn’t a threat any longer. The people there were heavily affected and beard a severe financial loss. They asked the government to compensate the loss. Soviet Union partially compensated their loss but not completely. Because of the radiation an area of 30 km around Chernobyl is now in a lockdown state. The area is called as RED FOREST. Because in 1986 this forest completely died out because of the accident. Now it is a densely populated forest with mutated animals. This area will not be suitable for living up to 20,000 coming years. The World didn’t know that an accident had happened before Swedish nuclear reactor in Forsmark started beeping on the excess amount of radiation. The Swedish nuclear experts checked their nuclear plant but found no leek. The Soviet Union tried to hide this accident from the World but it didn’t worked. The Swedish experts eventually found out about the leak in the Chernobyl. It was okay if the radioactive rays would’ve stayed that way but the air made it worse and worst radioactive air blew towards North West and polluted RUSSIA, BELARUS, UKRAINE and SWEDEN with heavy amount of radiation. As you can see air even blew towards Europe and the direct country that it affected was Sweden because in Sweden the air became rain and fell. 60% of the radiation however fell on Belarus and according to Green Peace their death toll have reached 40,000 to 60,000 including cancer until now. The people who are affected for example, thyroid cancer, other cancers, brain cancer and mentally retirement are 985,000 in whole world but people who have died in whole world are 140,000 according to the GREEN PEACE and it suspects an excessive 100,000 cancer deaths in the future because of Chernobyl. There are however many different opinions on it like the CHERNOBYL FORM says death toll is 20,000 while World nuclear energy says its 200,000. The reason is when people die of cancer we can’t determine if they died of radiations or not. If Soviet Union had explained the gravity of the situation then many countries could’ve adapted safety measures like taking iodine tablets that save against low radiations and would’ve evacuated people from highly contaminated areas. So, the total blame of this accident lies on Soviet Union who didn’t accept it at once and didn’t tell the world about this. Soviet Union lost 38 billion dollars because of this and this was the first economic disaster which led to its destruction later. It was greatness of Sweden that their experts checked it and fully investigated the problem. It was they who announced about the nuclear disaster on Chernobyl site. After Sweden’s warning whole world adapted safety measures and world should admire the Swedish experts and government for their efforts. The disaster even affected the aquatic life like fish became dangerous for eating and ground water could not be drunk because of radiation. Bird meat became harmful and a big amount of livestock died in Sweden, Norway and Germany. The mushrooms in Sweden are still harmful to eat in some areas. The nimals in the area were badly affected and many died and those who lived were heavily mutated and this mutation is still going on from generation to generation. In my opinion, all these losses could be avoided by a little bit of carefulness. There was some problem because of which they couldn’t perform it in the day shift then they should’ve waited for the next day. It’s a medically accepted fact that human brain works better in the morning and it’s m ore active in the morning than night. The nature has made day for working and night for sleep. One thing more that they performed this experiment in the absence of experts and proper staff. They should’ve waited for them. If they had performed it on the next day then probably this worst nuclear disaster could’ve been avoided. This disaster released 400 times more radiation than Hiroshima Bombing in 1945. This was the first economic disaster that cost Soviet Union 34 Billion Dollars which later led its economical destruction and stopping to exist as a super power. I hope that this would be warning for us and we would be doing our best to prevent such accidents from ever happening in the world’s history.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Richard III Tragedy Essays - Shakespearean Histories,
Richard III Tragedy "The tragedy of Richard III lies in the progressive isolation of its protagonist". Discuss. From the very opening of the play when Richard III enters "solus", the protagonist's isolation is made clear. Richard's isolation progresses as he separates himself from the other characters and breaks the natural bonds between Man and nature through his efforts to gain power. The first scene of the play begins with a soliloquy, which emphasizes Richard's physical isolation as he appears alone as he speaks to the audience. This idea of physical isolation is heightened by his references to his deformity, such as "rudely stamp'd...Cheated of feature by Dissembling Nature, deformed, unfinished. This deformity would be an outward indication to the audience of the disharmony from Nature and viciousness of his spirit. As he hates "the idle pleasures of these days" and speaks of his plots to set one brother against another, Richard seems socially apart from the figures around him, and perhaps regarded as an outsider or ostracized because of his deformity. His separation from is family is emphasized when he says "Dive, thought's down to my soul" when he sees his brother approaching. He is unable to share his thought with his own family as he is plotting against them. Thus, we are given hints of his physical, social and spiritual isolation which is developed throughout the play. But despite these hints, he still refers to himself as part of the House of York, shown in the repeated use of "Our". The concept of Richard's physical isolation is reinforced in his dealings with Anne in Act I scene ii. She calls him "thou lump of foul deformity" and "fouler toad" during their exchange. Despite these insults, she still makes time to talk to Richard, and by the end of their exchange, she has taken his ring and been "woo'd" by him. After Richard has successfully gained the throne, he isolates himself when he asks the crowd to "stand all apart" in Act IV scene ii. And later, when Richard dreams, he is completely alone. Physical isolation in Richard's deformity wins sympathy from the audience as we pity his condition. But Richard uses his deformity as a tool against the other characters, to portray them as victimizing Richard. Thus the sense of tragedy is lessened by his own actions, even though his isolation may become greater as the play progresses. Richard's psychological isolation is conveyed through his lack of conscience in his murderous acts. Nowhere does he feel remorse for his murders, until Act V scene iii when he exclaims "Have mercy Jesu!" and "O coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me!". In this turning point, Richard's division from his own self is made clear from "I and I", and "Is there a murderer here? No. Yes, I am!" He has conflicting views of himself and realizes that "no creature" loves him, not even himself. We also never the "real" mind of Richard, for he is always playing a role, of a loving brother to Clarence, a lover to Anne or a victim to the others. We feel sympathy for Richard as he awakes in a vulnerable position and for the first time acknowledges the evil that he has done. But as he only reveals his feelings of guilt in the last act of the play, we do not see him in internal turmoil and thus the sense of psychological tragedy cannot be built upon. Socially, Richard is isolated from both the upper and lower classes of society. In Act I scene iii, Richard sarcastically calls Elizabeth "sister", and she contemptuously calls him "Brother of Gloucester" making a mockery of familial bonds. Margaret calls him "cacodemon" and "devil", and any unity that the characters have on stage is temporary and superficial. In act III, the citizens are said to be "mum" and "deadly pale", which gives a sense of quiet opposition to Richard's activities. Richard is thus separated from all around him. Temporarily, we see Richard and Buckingham share a kind of bond, as Richard calls him "My other self", "My Oracle" and "My prophet". But they part when Buckingham hesitates to kill the young princes when Richard says "I wish the bastards dead". This is the only time the audience sees Richard act with any other man, but we realize that it is for purely political purposes and that the union exists only while Buckingham remains useful to him. Our sympathy for Richard is limited as we see that he has no true friendships, and does not genuinely care for his family
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